Mississippians, please read! (Voting record 3/15)

Day 481, 15:20 Published in USA USA by Bill Brasky

Hello again Mississippi! It’s been a wild week in eRepublik, and the eUSA has been faced with many challenges and obstacles. As always, here is my voting record with justifications, and then my general thoughts on current events.

Donate 60000 USD to Fort Knox: Yes. This was in preparation for a Portugal advance, so we could have the money quickly accessible.

MPP with Finlan😛 Yes. We are strained militarily at the moment, and another ally on our side is nothing to be turned down at this point in the game.

Donate 606 Gold to Fort Knox: Yes. This was as we were losing territories at a rapid pace a few days ago. When another country conquers one of our areas, we lose money from the treasury. This was to minimize these losses.

MPP with Canada: Yes. As with Finland, we need allies.

Impeachment: I’ll talk about this at the bottom, so keep reading!

MPP with Spain: Yes. Spain is one of our ATLANTIS allies, and there’s no good reason to turn down an ally.

Donate 50000 USD to Fort Knox: Yes. It gives the USA cash on hand for military means.

MPP with the UK: Yes. By signing this we get our 100 gold fine back (for failure to notify ATLANTIS of our invasion of Mexico). Plus, it’s another ally.

That’s it for my voting record, but I promised to come back to the impeachment. So here it is.

I voted for impeachment of Uncle Sam. I was torn on this for a long time, and I took my time voting on it. It came down to 3 things for me. The first is that I felt that the eUSA and Congress were deceived by Uncle Sam. If you read Uncle Sam’s old newspaper articles, you’ll find the original intention of Operation Taco Bell was to throw out the Poles who had committed an electoral takeover of Mexico, and “RWAR!” I voted for the Mexican war because Uncle Sam told us that we would be giving the territories back. At the time in the Congressional forums I argued that we shouldn’t be so imperialistic, that it would have repercussions. I was told to keep real life out of eRepublik, this is a game. A week later, I’ll let our current situation speak for itself. Soon after we started invading, the true intentions of Uncle Sam became quite clear, and at which point I withdrew my support for the war.

Second, Uncle Sam had not spoken to Congress about anything in the run up to Operation Taco Bell. His failure to communicate split the Congress and the Presidency to the point where we could no longer be effective. I wrote multiple times on the forums to Uncle Sam that we (Executive and Legislative branches) should be working together towards a common goal: making the eUSA the best it can be. In fact, about the first time we saw Uncle Sam on the eUS forums was when we had a serious impeachment proposal, and his ass was on the line. I realize lack of communication is not an impeachable offense, but it spoke volumes to me about Sam’s character and ability to lead the greatest nation in eRepublik.

The final straw that decided my vote was messages from you, the Mississippi citizens. Thank you to those who sent me messages, you know who you are. Every message I got wanted Sam out of office (“Why isn’t Congress demanding Sam’s head on a silver platter?”), and I refuse to ignore the people who voted me into office. Your opinion does matter to me, and I want you all to know that. I value your opinion, and I love talking to you guys. So as always, send me a message if you have an opinion on anything, it does affect how I vote.

That’s enough about the impeachment, moving on to happier things. In recent news, Party President elections are today. Those who haven’t voted yet, make sure to do so, it’s free experience if nothing else! Personally, I am endorsing (and voting for) Gaius Julius for Federalist Party President. I urge all Federalists to do the same, you know he will take us to even greater heights, and make this party the best it can be.

That being said, I have to talk a little about the outgoing President, Alby. When I joined the Federalists, logo was the PP. I never knew him that well, and soon after Alby took over. The two terms he has served have brought great attention to the Federalist Party, and we recently reached 80 members, quite the milestone for us. In his reign we have gone from 1 congressman to 4, due in no small part to Alby. He has influenced my monetary policy greatly, and I have a lot of respect for him. I hate to see you go man, good luck with whatever you choose to do with your time off. Hopefully you’ll stick around.

Finally, I’ll shamelessly bump the Department of Education Citizen Mentorship Program. If you’re a veteran and want to mentor new citizens, or if you’re new and need someone to answer questions and be there for you, message me. The program is enjoying great success already, with many mentors and mentees, so join in! Message me!

As always, message me with any comments, concerns, thoughts, opinions, ranting, confessions of love, or inquiries.