Mission Accomplished

Day 4,356, 21:44 Published in USA USA by Animis

I promised to set the Congressional Election line-up and that is accomplished.

I can go back to sleep until next month.... or, I can talk about how great this party is.

Officially, TCP believes in
1. Access to legislative power,
2. Stewardship of tax revenue,
3. Sovereignty of eUSA.

YES, fancy words for a political party inside of a game.

Mostly, we believe that the rules that past eUSA leaders have created, to manage ourselves via Congress, are good and serve a purpose.

We stand by the rules and expect others to also respect the fact that we, and over a decade of other players spent the time and put in effort to create this structure.

We will innovate and often lead and promote change as needed.

We are IRL grown ups and recognize that family and careers > erep. This means that we don't waste our time with drama and fighting over in-game BS and we don't F%ck around with ridiculous/silly role play.

If you like the above and want to join us, please feel welcome and sign up as a member. If you want no BS players in Congress, please vote for us.

In the grand tradition of our USWP roots, some Taylor Swift fluff!