Mission Accomplished!!!

Day 912, 10:05 Published in Thailand Pakistan by Gates Schellinger

That's it fellas, the PTO threat is over.

A few days ago, a good friend of mine contacted me on IRC, during this discussion, he imparted to me how important it was that Thailand be in the hands of Thailand, southeast Asian pride and what not (aren't half of those guys part of Oceania?). We had an enjoyable back and forth where we discussed various pleasantries, about how my mother should have beaten me more, and the many possible ways my life could be made difficult. Ultimately, and shockingly, at least to me, we seemingly reached an impasse. He wanted the US out of Thailand, and I wanted all his duplicated friends (including the ones who wear fancy polos) out of the country, it didn't seem like this would come to pass, as neither side wanted to give in first. Well in order to reach an accord, and to offer the branch of diplomacy, I have decided that we take the first steps.

As you can see the US is finally out of Southern Thailand. Now that we have met our part of the deal, they are now free to honor their end of the agreement, i.e the removal of their citizens. I do have to apologize for that obviously poor misled Thai citizen who defended the US occupation so valiantly. I mean, if I knew how strongly he felt about the possibility that Thailand could be used for nefarious purposes and felt it better that certain key strategic positions be left in the hands of the eUS as to not cause further exploitation, I might have reconsidered. Eh, but seeing as how he'll probably be gone in a few days, as per our agreement, I've decided to not let it bother me.

I hope this ushers in a new era of cooperation, and understanding between our two nations; the sovereign state of Thailand, and the glorious non-imperialist, totally understanding nation of Indonesia. An ally that certainly wouldn't risk their friends territories to bully around a tiny inconsequential nation that had withdrawn themselves from the picture entirely.

P.S. Dear Januar, I rather enjoy seeing all your flowers, I can't wait to pluck them and present them as a bouquet that we can present to everybody's friend. (wink)

Best Wishes,
An inconsequential leader of a tiny nation that only wished to be left alone.