Misc Jibberish and Random Thoughts

Day 751, 14:47 Published in Singapore USA by Arbryn


If your reading this ... It covers many topics, loosely. So don't expect anything too deep here. I'm bored here in Malay just fighting in wars everyday. I am not fond of Malay politics so the media here is meh and figured I would send some shout outs to people here in Singapore as I haven't been around much lately, maybe stir up some conversation. 😁


So .. Hey Singapore, how is everyone? I have missed you all over this past month so I figured I would say hi.

o/ & o7 (wave & salute)


Maksas = < 3


I have been pretty quiet the past month and not involved in much politics, but I have been watching and making occasional stops in town as well as reading the news.

I been real busy away from eRep and had to close down all my companies since I had not the time to manage them. Hopefully this is temporary and I will have them back up within a couple months but who knows.


I would also like to Congratulate Boe & Liz again .. Sorry I missed the wedding, I am a noob and can't read the right day and I was 24 hours late to the ceremony. >.<

I hope your test went well Boe as well.


Good Job Erius last term, Singapore survives another month, I know its not an easy position. So much to do. 😃

And best of luck to Flaco on his term now. I know you can do it.


Maksas = < 3


Sabron, why are you being a noob? ... meh ... you will fail, they always do.
Don't fuck with Singapore's resolve!



It's nice to see Singapore was able to get another Training War. I know the costs are very high, but it is necessary, without war Singapore will implode on itself and as we already seen some, many citizens will leave so they can earn exp in other battles. Hopefully this is a step in us being able to manage the new MPP costs and it won't hurt us too bad down the road.


How are the Party's doing? Green Party seems to be growing, how are the others doing?


Did I mention, Maksas = < 3


Oh well I guess that's it for now. I just wanted to say hi to everyone.

HI !

~Arbryn~ Loyal Citizen of Singapore.
