Ministry of Welfare Notice 福利部公告

Day 691, 06:07 Published in China China by Ministry of Welfare

Dear eChina Citizens,

A mass laid-off is made in the National Coporations today.

This purpose of this laying-off is to remove the higher skilled workers (2.0+) who should be competitive enough for private employment.

May you all be reminded that National Coporations are made for training purposes and to improve the livelihood of the less experienced members who are not yet ready for the private market. Please be also reminded that the Ministry of Welfare reserves the rights to fire workers who have skill greater than 2.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Yours Sincerely,

Minister of Welfare, eChina

各 e中國國民:

是日福利部國企進行了大規 模裁員。

此裁員之目的為將有足夠能 力在私人市場尋找工作 ( 技能 2.0+) 的工人移除。

國企之目的, 乃為未能在私人市場覓得工 作之新人提供訓練和保障其 生計。 故此, 福利部保留將技能大於2的 工人辭退之權利。

