Ministry of Media International Report Day 1,241

Day 1,241, 01:20 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe
Ministry of Media Report Day 1,241

International News

-In the North American Theater, the US is undergoing planned region swaps with Canada. In addition to the pre-planned economic swaps, some of these swaps allowed the capital to be moved to California to prevent easy blocking of resources by Spain, while other swaps will effectively end the open war between the US and Poland by cutting off additional regions to attack. Mexico has joined in as well taking some non-vital regions.
-In South America, Argentina has lost access to many regions with critical resources due to ongoing RW's and offensives by newly unwiped, NWO backed nations. Brazil has retaken all of its original regions back from Spain, and holds the Spanish Canary Islands. Despite Spanish attack, Brazil seems set to keep them, and move on the offensive against the Spanish mainland once again.
-In Europe, Belgium with NWO support has begun an attack on Germany, which currently holds only 2 connected regions. France is under attack by Poland, which borders its only 2 remaining regions. Croatia continues to RW its regions, as does Bulgaria, after having been wiped in its original regions, and had its Asian possessions stripped away. Romania and Italy are RWing their regions back as well. Russia scored a major victory earlier by retaking Kaliningrad from Poland, while Greece and Turkey continue their back and forth actions.
-In Asia, Indonesia is NEing Malaysia in an agreed to war. Indonesia will wipe Malaysia then return Sarawak, while keeping Sabah for its fruit. Peninsular Malaysia is expected to be returned to Malaysia soon one way or another. China has almost completed its wiping of Pakistan, leaving open the question of who they will NE next.

Terra leadership
-Terra has selected its new leaders, and promises a redoubling of efforts to secure all nations territories, and to further cooperation with EDEN. (Read More)

-The UK has continued to raise eyebrows with its insistence on maintaining close relationships with sworn enemy states such as Serbia. (Read More)

Game News

-Moving Ticket and Housing companies will be removed in the near future. With moving tickets being replaced by paying 20 of your citizenship currency per moving zone.
-Further economic changes will involve the introduction of new (more or less) creatable resources, and the necessity of using them in higher Q Food and Weapon companies. (Detailed here)

George Lemnaru Interview
-George Lemnaru one of the founders of eRep was interviewed recently. You can read it here: Interview Link


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