Ministry of Homeland Security Department: June 2012

Day 1,653, 17:07 Published in Switzerland USA by Hale Kane

I would like to talk about the Homeland Security Department, Ministry of Education and Health, Minister of Information, and Minister of Population.

Homeland Security

Homeland Security Department so far has been doing a good job. Astorwald until his last day of office had organized the job and did a really good job and now Uros is to continue the job for now. I hope to continue to send messages to congressmen and informing them of a vote to get a citizen either into the country or rejected. So far during my term there have been congress members who approved people without my or MoHS knowledge and if it happens next term, you will be kicked from our discussions. I want congressmen to be organized and do what they are suppose to do, not just use it for their own good, but for the countries good.

Ministry of Education and Health

So far both these sections have been doing a really good job as well. The only changes in which i would like to make would be to maybe get some more articles for both of these ministries(more knowledge and more free food). This upcoming month from Minister of Health, we are looking to increase the articles being posted probably 5 times as now we have it organized after I win elections instead of having to wait 2-3 days before everyone gets comfortable. As for Minister of Education, I am still wondering to maybe put 1 or 2 members to that position so we can have more articles up and running, maybe create a Saturday or Sunday school to teach new citizens.

Ministry of Information

This section has been a bit sloppy on my part and has nothing to do with its minister. This month I will make sure and have weekly postings about what we do. Treaties, MPPs, battles, etc will be written in these articles(end results mainly). I am looking to get more than this month so around 3-4 mainly. And these will be articles that people enjoy reading to with some interviews as well as jokes against some people in eSwitzerland.

Ministry of Population

It has been a bit quiet lately on Ministry of Population section but it will rise next month for sure. My minister is starting to finally create a video/slide show to post on YouTube or advertise around forums to get our population up or get a baby boom 😛

Thats it for now that I can name, I can assure you more stuff will be added in the future.

Current Country President of eSwitzerland
Current Candidate for CP elections in eSwitzerland