Ministry of Education: Fighting and Healing

Day 802, 14:44 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSA Ministry of Education

Are you one of the many people in the erepublik world who don't know how to maximise their wellness or efficiently and effectively use a hospital yet do not realise this? Are you even one of the many citizens who don't understand how to use hospitals themselves? Are you at a loss to how to fight? Do you not understand the weapon quality game mechanic? If you have answered yes to any of these questions above, you may want to read on!

There are two key points that need to be understood, wellness and damage points. Wellness is the 'health' of your citizen, when you fight, train or work this decreases, and by healing at a hospital, eating of being gifted increases your wellness. The fundamentals of wellness are going to be discussed in another article except the use of hospitals.


Damage points are how effective you are at fighting, how big a punch you give. The number of damage points you collect from fighting is determined by wellness, the more you have the greater you effect, your strength, (this is increased by training), the Military level you (denoted by how many damage points you have), the quality of your weapon and the number of times you fight, (the more you fight, the more damage you do overall). It is given in the formula: Damage = Weapon Quality × Rank × Strength × Wellness × 2.

Note: To train simply navigate to the training grounds and choose the training type you wish to use. For those starting out I would recommend the basic training costing no gold. For more experienced players chose the one you can afford comfortably.

Military levels are as the following:

Private 0 - 249 Damage ~ 20% Bonus
Corporal 250 - 749 Damage ~ 40% Bonus
Sergeant 750 - 1499 Damage ~ 60% Bonus
Lieutenant 1500 - 1499 Damage ~ 80% Bonus
Captain 4500 - 8999 Damage ~ 100% Bonus
Colonel 9000 - 24999 Damage ~ 120% Bonus
General 25000 - 74999 Damage ~ 140% Bonus
Field Marshal 75000+ Damage ~ 160% Bonus


If fighting with no weaponry you commit minus 50% damage
Q1 Weapon - 20% extra damage
Q2 Weapon - 40% extra damage
Q3 Weapon - 60% extra damage
Q4 Weapon - 80% extra damage
Q5 Weapon - 100% extra damage

To be able to fight you must be level 5 or above, have >0 strength and have wellness >39.

To fight you navigate to the training grounds, select battles you can fight in and fight in the one you wish. Battles only occur when your country or your countries ally is in a battle.


To be able to use a hospital you must have fought that day. Every time you fight you lose 10 wellness and so 5 fights mean a loss of 50 wellness. Before you fight, you need to be sure of what quality hospital you are in. To do this navigate to the country administration section, tab society then scroll down and select the region you live in. Click for more details and you will see a number of stars. Each star represents the amount of wellness you get back, 1 star means 10, 5 stars mean 50. If no stars can be seen then your region has no hospital so do not fight until you move to one which has. It is recommended that you live or move to fight in a Q5 hospital region.

To get the best wellness back from fighting you need to see how much wellness you have. Say for example you have 70 wellness and live in a Q4 hospital region. To get maximum wellness you can fight once, (70 - 10 = 60), then you can navigate to the hospital and heal (60 + 40 = 100). Do the maths for your own circumstance.

To navigate to the hospital after fighting, simply navigate back to your region page and press heal.

That is all there are to the basics of Fighting and Healing. If you require further information do not hesitate to contact the Ministry of Education.


Director of Education