Ministry of Education: Congress Members Bonus

Day 801, 16:17 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSA Ministry of Education
Here is a sneak peek into congress and an election run down

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Congress Members

Sneak Peeks

Firstly we have the General Assembly. Here congress notices are posted, we can find the CRB (see last article), and most importantly it is where proposals are discussed before going into voting.

Secondly we have the voting section where congress vote on the proposals made. Votes are cast by each congress member by maintaining a tally of the following options; Yes, No and Abstain. Whatever option has the most votes, the by eSA law, this is the motion that is passed.

Finally the Closed Chambers where sensitive material is discussed... well you really didn't expect me tell show you more did you?

I hope this bring you some more useful information.


Director of Education