Ministry of Education: Citizenship

Day 806, 12:29 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSA Ministry of Education

Conflict always seems to arise over Citizenship requests for the eSA and many citizens don't understand the system. Well I hope to educate the people and help prevent this from happening.

It is a fact that the eSA is actively encouraging population growth and wanting people to immigrate to our fine country but the Ministry of Immigration and the Ministry of Security are always receiving complaints regarding the lack of acceptance of citizenships granted. Before I explain the process further it must be understood that it is the job of Congress Members to grant requests but the number they can grant is limited. Each term, the combined number of Congress Members are given the number of citizenship requests equal to 10% of the population of the country. This mostly for security reasons to prevent a PTO. To give you an idea in numbers here is my prediction for next term with today’s population.

Population - 1200

Number of Congress Members - 40

10% - 120

Citizenship Grants per Congress Member - 4

As you can see there are not a lot of grants we can make. You will now argue and say, "120, surly that was enough to meet demand". Well I would like to remind you that this is for next term and that this term we were granted 2 citizenship requests each. That’s only 80 grants!

When you make a citizenship request, a Congress Member or Director of Immigration will read over it and take a look at your profile. If you look good they will then post it in the Immigration section of the forum. As an individual you are scrutinised to see if you are a potential threat to the eSA. Should you pass this we then look to see if you can contribute to the eSA. If not or there is a queue forming we ask you to apply again to demonstrate your commitment. (This maybe done several times if the department is very busy.) Once you are given the all clear, a Congress Member is then free to grant your request. Simples!

So... next time you moan about how long your application is taking do take into consideration that it is not just clicking a button, a lot more thought goes into it to ensure the security and success of the eSA!


Director of Education

Note: I wrote this when I was very tired to please excuse any poor language.