Ministry of Education

Day 320, 16:16 Published in Ireland Ireland by Igor Thunderbrow

Daoine na hÉireann,

Yesterday an idea was put before the congress by the Irish Union Party's Theus Jackus concerning a Ministry of Education. While this has received widespread support on the forums, from two party leaders (myself and Merolk) and Ireland First's most vocal congressman, Final Destiny, the president would appear to need some convinvcing on the matter. Therefore I am going to put the idea before the general public and get your reaction. If it is positive then it will hopefully persuade 5n4keyes and the congress to support the idea and if not then the idea would be unfeasable anyway.

The idea is to set up an Irish University (credit to pato9 for the original idea). It would teach eIrish citizens many different subjects. From political theory to eRepublik economics. From foreign languages to eRepublik history.

Courses would be taught for free and any citizen could sign up. The University would be run by the Ministry of Education and its lecturers would be resoected individuals within the eIreland community.

Already myself and Final Destiny have offered our services to teaching, political theory and International Relations + The basics of V1 respectively.

So what do the people of eIreland think?

Go raibh míle maith agaibh as bhur éisteacht,
Igor Thunderbrow
An Aire Cosanta