Minister of Trade and Employment

Day 476, 15:24 Published in Ireland Ireland by Michael Holcomb

I am greatly pleased today to be able to announce that I have accepted the appointment of Taoiseach Theus Jackus to serve in his new government as Minister of Trade and Employment. It is a great honor to serve in this new government and I know that I am equal to the task of serving our new Taoiseach and making Ireland a better place for all her people.

First things being first, I have to acknowledge that the Irish Economy has issues, but none that cannot be fixed by hard work and good management. In the next few days I will be speaking with the new Manager of the National Bank Michael Collins, someone for whom I have much respect. Together, Michael and I will be charting a course for state companies and making plans to reform state employment. This system is both a good one and a strong one, but also one in need of great regulation. I know that with Michael Collins help that I can achieve the goals I set forth before the Taoiseach in my application to serve in the Cabinet.

My Plans for Irish Employment

When applying to serve in his cabinet I presented to the Taoiseach a four step plan to reform the Irish Ministry of Trade and Employment. Listed below are the four steps I plan to take over the next few days and weeks. I will publish this plan in full after further discussions with the Taoiseach, the Manager of the National Bank Michael Collins, and the cabinet in general. I plan to have this plan published by tomorrow if not sooner.

Finally, I thank those of you who work for the state as employees in our nationally owned companies. You represent the backbone of this economy and I promise to make sure that our system of government protects you and works to make sure you are well served. I bring to government a deep hope that both the new government and the new Taoiseach are successful in our endeavors and that I will do everything I can to see that we succeed.