Minister of Internal April 2013

Day 1,965, 05:30 Published in Malaysia Thailand by encikBelon
Hello Everyone

So this is my first time to be Minister of Internal Affairs/Immigration (MoIA/I) and will be assist by RyuYuki.

I would like to thanks to all that trusted me and choose me eventho i'm among the new faces. Those who are selected become MoIA members, welcome and together we uphold eMalaysia security the maximum as we can.

Here i would like to state what are my ministry job scope.
1) Keep all information confidential of eMy
2) Check immigrants who want to join eMy
3) To secure ATO in eMy
4) Identify each Party President for party election
5) Identify candidate for next Country President
6) Channel information deemed to be shared with other ministries
7) Closely doing intelligence within in the country

Minister of Internal Affairs March 2013