Minister of Health & Human Services

Day 1,208, 09:10 Published in North Korea North Korea by Kim Young

Hello North Koreans,
As you know I assumed the office of Minister of Health & Human Services. This is my 4th consecutive term. As you see my responsibilities have grown wider. I will be responsible for the development of our babies and the Human factor in our lands.
So, my first action will be donating breads to everyone who voted the article,because of the TW with China many people die from hunger. Also every voter bellow 20 level will receive 5 KPWs.

Please comment the number of your vote and sub(voluntary)-that way I can easily track you down and donate you the items!

Thank you for reading!

Yours faithfully,
Kim Young - Minister of Health&Human Services
Chief Executive of the NKBB
Proud North Korean

Long live our Motherland!