Minimum Wages

Day 955, 10:24 Published in India India by Wall_ster

Hello to all my readers.

Its been a long time since I wrote an article. Nearly two weeks I dont remember properly. So did you guys miss me?? Ok I dont wanna know cause I know that the answer would be no lol. Today I write this article in interest of the common man of eIndia and not any corrupt businessmen who only think of their profits and ignore country and the common mans development. Yes today I am gonna talk of minimum wages.

You people wanna know why India being a country of 1.2 billion eIndia doesnt even have atleast 1000 true real Indian players? Yes anybody would want to know that. I agree that there are many reasons to that but one Important reason is low minimum wages in India. I will tell you how. The minimum wages in India is only 1inr you all know that right?

You all also know that in erepublik every player has to do 2 things daily that is work and train right?? So Work + Train = -2 health right? So new players should atleast be able to maintain their health at atleast 100 at the begenning cause further in game they will need that if they want to work for a Q2 or a Q3 company. And thats only not that it will also profit our country if we have good health young Indians from the start only.

Many people will try to cut this point by saying that every eIndian is given 5 Inr at the begenning. For them I would want to say 5Inr is not worth a billion dollar which would last an eternity. And besides when you are new you might experiment with things and might lose that money. So I am saying that minimum wages should be atleast that much that newplayers should be able to buy Q2 food to maintain their health. So if not to 2INR atleast make it to 1.5INR.

A few people told me it would make the value of INR cheap. To them I say I am a student of Commerce in RL. I am a good scorer in Economics. I know what I am saying. And by the way what I see in Erepublik the value of money at present is not at all good compared to other countrys. Trust me my friend the value of money will only improve if there is a baby boom in India and that will happenh if newcomers find this game a little bit easier than now.For that please follow what I say.

But thats not it I have a sever complain regarding business Organizations exploiting new players. You see that Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5 comanies place their job offers in Skills of 0 to 1. They put just a little bit more money like if a Q1 company places 1.10 INR as sallary they will put 1.20 as salary. New players dont understand the concept of Q1, Q2, etc and go for higher wage jobs. How in hell do you expect new players to work for a Q5 company at a salary of 1.20 INR and maintain a good health? Think about it guys.

My advice for dealing with them is first give them a final ultimatum. After that if they continue to do that they should be severly fined. If a fine does not teach them a good lesson they should be permenently terminated from doing business in erepublik at least in eIndia. For that I recommend a formation of a committe of congress members to llok after job offers in India. If the government and the President of India agrees I would like to Volunteer for the head of this department or anything they choose wise.

Please please I reqest to all Indians to read my article thionk about it and take the correct decisions in favour of this country.

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