Minimum wage, the reality.

Day 1,148, 22:36 Published in USA USA by Princefigs

Do what she and subscribe

Hello everyone. There is a lot of BS, misconceptions, scare tactics, and flat out lying regarding the minimum wage increase and how it is going to affect the economy and military communes.

Im not going to wade through the dredges and regurgitate the bile that has been spat about from people that are so saturated with their own self-interests that they drown in their own greed long before doing something for eAmerica first.

Here is the TRUTH :

As far as military communes are concerned. Myself and others in Congress have done a detailed analysis about the effect that raising the minimum wage to various numbers would have on the military/militia communes using classified information about EXACTLY how much the wage increase would affect ALL of the major parties involved. We had the EXACT numbers of what they are paying their members of ALL of them. That information is classified and I will not give out the numbers but here is the reality :

Raising the minimum wage WILL have POSITIVE effect on ALL military communes and at worst a neutral affect on militias.

I can hear it now, " But (insert persons name here) told me that its going to cost more to pay the commune workers and thus affect our available revenue!!! "

Yes...but that is only half the story. Here is the other half that the self saturated ones dont want you to know.

There are by some estimates over 1,000 people that only pay .18USD in tax. .18 USD. Raising the minimum to 4 USD will make them pay an additional .74 USD a day in taxes. Simple math time :

.74 USD x 1,000 people = 740 USD in additional daily revenues.

The military gets 75% of the total budget. Simple math x2 :

75% of 740 USD = 555 USD in daily revenue increases to the military budget.

I do happen to know the exact numbers of exactly how much each branch pays its communes. For operational security reasons, I will not disclose that information. But rest assured that there are communes in the military that already pay all of their workers above 4 USD a day.

Lets use some common sense, people. Dont rely on those that are so blinded by their own interests that they would destroy anyone to get what they want.

The increase in minimum isnt going to hurt anyone. Lets break it down Barney style :

- People that have been evading the taxes, which is perfectly legal, will only pay .74 USD more a day...that is nothing...not even one single Q1 food.
- Regular business will not be affected in the slightest because the lowest job offer for Q1 is over 2.5x the new minimum wage. Its not going to force up labor costs at all.
- Communes arent going to hurt, because they are going to get increased revenue due to the increase.

Furthermore, all this is going to do is increase revenue WITHOUT RISING TAXES.

This is a win - win - win in the truest sense of the word. Dont fall for the BS. Its going to hurt noone.