Minimum Wage Safety Net

Day 1,785, 17:03 Published in Ireland Ireland by Gerald Smyth

Today, Congressman Gerald Smyth will propose an idea Ireland can't seem to comprehen😛 a minimum wage.

The last time we even had a minimum conversation was two months ago. It was a radical proposition raising the minimum wage from 0.1 to 50.00. That is a bit too much a bit too soon. It however actually got 13 votes showing that the true hard working Irish citizens do have a concern about a minimum wage.

See what I'm proposing is a minimum wage safety net. See, the minimum wage seems to go up and down radically. This would set a fair, low and reasonable safety net to protect new players and new workers next time the economy crashes. This would initially be set at 20 IEP.

Most of us pay and receive well over that. However, this would guarantee us in the future a secure amount of payment when we decide to switch employers. This would also allow new players to get more money in the beginning to blossom and to stay in Ireland. This would also attract more players to Ireland. Pakistan's current average listing in the job market at the time of this posting is about one dollar. We're at a good time right now Ireland, let's keep it that way.

This is something I think we can all agree on regardless of political ideology.

Here's a list of the congresspeople elected to Congress in Ireland. Please contact them to throw your support behind setting up a minimum wage safety net!

Congress people and President Rikian, click here to vote YES for a minimum wage safety net!

Please voice your opinion below.

Thank you,

Gerald Smyth