Minimum Wage Increase Blocked

Day 342, 10:13 Published in USA USA by NeilP99

Sadly my fellow eAmericans it has happened again. Yet another attempt to increase the minimum wage has failed. I for one think that it is foolish of our nation and our government to leave the minimum wage as low as it is. At the moment the minimum wage in eAmerica is 1 USD per day. This is an outrage and is costing our nation dearly. Someone earning that little can barely afford to buy food, let alone save the money needed for things like houses, weapons, and gold needed to start their own company. With beginning players growing so slowly many are bound to quit. The slow progress that they will face will cause them to lose interest in the game and leave. This leaves eAmerica weaker as our population doesn't grow as fast as other eNations. I would like to call on all members of congress to pass an increase in the minimum wage to keep eAmerica competitive. I hope that this article will increase awareness of this issue and I would encourage members of congress to leave comments telling why they are voting for or against this measure so that the people can know just where they stand. If you think this is an important issue facing eAmerica then please vote for this article so that it is brought to the attention of those running our nation.