Minimum funds in company when posting job

Day 460, 02:03 Published in Romania Romania by Memo
EDIT: This message is addressed to admins and developers of this game. If you see any improvement to this suggestion please add it in the comments section of this article.

Please take a look on Human Resource page for Romania:

It's insane.
What i suggest is, that a company should not be allowed to post job offers if it does not have sufficient funds. In this aspect, a company should posses funds for at least 3 days per job offer. Example:

I post 15 jobs for skill 1 employee at 2,1 RON
That means i should have funds in company totaling:
15 jobs x 2,1 RON x 3 days = 94.5 RON

Also, it should not be allowed to collect money from company, if by doing that would invalidate the above condition.
This will make a less frustrating game for the new people coming into game.
Thank you very much for your attention, and i hope you will take into account this suggestion

Best regards,
Memo, eCitizen of The New World

Nu il mai traduc in romana, il intelegeti foarte bine.