Millitary Reform 2.0

Day 1,757, 12:18 Published in Switzerland Montenegro by Mancha HQ

Ministry of Defence
September 2012

This reform applies for the government unit (Swiss National Army) and other units that wish to be funded by the government. Units that wish to apply for government funding must do so by contacting the Project leader for the MoD Reform.

MoD Reform rules (for any government funded MU):

o MU commanders must be available to the Project leader, MoD and vMoD at all times (way of communication can be proposed by the commanders);
o only commanders (or other MU representatives appointed by the commander) have to be present at the MoD channel ( during the day to assure the battle orders are up-to-date;
o MU has to fight according to MoD battle orders;
o MU has to fill a weekly (battle and financial) report or present some other type of proof of battles (egov) and financial spendings.

MUs that are a part of the reform will be invited to talk with the Project leader who will then set a form of financial help for the specific MU (weapons, food, credit, etc.) within the financial capabilities (budget set for MoD team). These MUs will also get a place in government articles for promotion purposes.

Periodically (or by necessity) there will be organised attacks by the MoD - soldiers (from government funded MUs) present at the organised attacks will get all the supplies for their attack. Present soldiers will be required to identify themselves with MU acronym added to their name (example: if the soldier MalcomX is from the Swiss National Army he will have to change his nick to SNA_Malcom😵. MU representatives present at the channel will be informed about the date and time of the organised attacks.

Reform in steps:

1. Making of the basic plan for the reform and informing the public.
2. Talks between the Project leader and the MU commanders.
3. Preparing the list of all MUs requirements.
4. Preparing financial budget for the MUs
5. Implementation of the reform and informing the public.

Signed by:

Lotus Black, Country President
pero1Q, Project leader of the MoD Reform