Militias: A reason to play the game.

Day 1,251, 13:44 Published in Canada Canada by Damien Wolf

Well it seems it's been a while since I have written an article. So I decided I would give it a try after such a while. This one is very long, but i have to admit, its the first one i actually worked for, it was fun, however i do feel i should warn you about the tl;dr nature of it all.

I decided to focus this article on the Militias of the world, they have the cool avatars, they have the badass people and they get sh*t done. But the best part of any militia is undoubtedly the camaraderie that can be felt from the moment you sign up. Knowing that as far as eRep goes, these guys have your back. The community is the most vital part in any militia, and without it, the militia is bound to fall and fade away.
If you're currently not a member of a militia or a military of some sort, then please do join one, this game, after all the roleplay and all the political spats and writers guilds and whatnot is a Military game and you being the strongest you can possibly be will help your nation a LOT.

In this article I try to show some different militia's that were co - operative with me while i was writing this article. So I would like to start off with a BIG thank you to every one of them.

The Crimson Order

First is the Militia that I am part of (obviously). These guys are the reason I still play this game, they fight hard, party harder. TCO are loyal to their bro's in battle and have always been an organization that has produced the best fighters and presidents of eCanada.

"TCO is a group that formed after the fall of eCanada in WW3 and started out as a small group of displaced eCanadian citizens with one thing in common, a desire to see eCanada returned to the map. Formed by Bruck and originally called Bruck's Canucks, the group has rebranded itself over time due to the addition of an eAustralian division and is now known as The Crimson Order. What sets TCO apart from some of the other militias is the fact that there is no minimum requirements to join. The only things that we ask of you is that you work in one of our companies for minimum wage or just above and wear one of our avatars. In return you will be given weapons with which to fight and food to recover your health. There is also a dedicated executive who work to recruit and retain new members as well as ensure that there is the chance for advancement within the group. All of these things add up to a community of people where everyone helps each other and gives a reason to stay in the game when they have decided that there is nothing left to be accomplished." - General J. Robert Calder

Countries Militia is operating in:

Irish Citizen Army

Being Irish, loving a good whiskey and fighting comes naturally. ICA is a militia, that i was never part of (because im in TCO) but i am always home at. It's like your best friends hot sister, you can never fool around(well better not to) but its always around and its quite sexeh!

"The Irish Citizen Army(ICA) is an Irish Republican and socialist paramilitary group, technically speaking. The goals of the group are to defend Ireland's interests by any means necessary, whether that is opposing British moves abroad, defending Croatia from Serbia, or just getting an army reform through our congress. Most of us have known each other for quite a while as well, so it's a bit of a social club as well. Our complete independence from the government follows a long tradition in Ireland of Republican paramilitaries since beta as well." - Brian Boru, Soldier of The Irish Citizen Army.

Countries Militia is operating in:


Everyone in eCanada is familiar with Lavis Knight, a man who has the best interest of eCanada at heart. Which explains his charitable side when he created HOPE.

"HOPE was established in light of the Citizen supply program. Basically HOPE is not meant to compete for members with the CAF or TCO, but rather act as a halfway between the heavier activity (IRC/Forums) for a more in game approach to belonging to a military force." - Citizen Lavis Knight, Organizer and leader of HOPE

Countries Militia is operating in:

Seal Team 6

Next Up is Seal Team 6. The Militia to be in if you're in the United States. It is one of the oldest militias in eRepublik itself, their missions history is enough to be a series of articles on its own. Yet they will always be available to fight for eUS and her allies around the New World.

"For those that are new to eRep, take the short bus to school or live in a hole, SEAL Team 6 is a paramilitary organization founded by Josh Frost over a year and a half ago to fight PEACE/PHOENIX aggression. Our original goal and primary purpose of returning PEACE/PHOENIX occupied regions to their original owners via RWs has since broadened to include a larger and more versatile area of military activity. Private, elite, internationally recognized and respected. You know us as a well established paramilitary with a long and proud mission history. We've weathered the storms of change and proven we are here to stay. Adapting to changes, overcoming adversity and always ready. We welcome citizens from any party, background or friendly nation. Indeed appreciating our diversity, along with the varied experience and knowledge it brings. Seal Team 6 is the oldest Militia in the eUS." - Clemens65, Commanding Officer and an Original Founding Seal

Countries Militia is operating in:


eAustralia is home to the most unforgiving fighters, so it is no surprise that it plays hosts to many militias, the KnightHawks is one of them. Their members are proud, and are ready to deal the damage when and wherever it is needed.

"The KnightHawks exist as a Militia for the Citizens of eAus and for the protection of our lands. We also do contract deployments at times.
We used to have an open policy to whom became a member of the Unit but this has since changed and now only recruit those whom are not part of any other Military Unit.

Soldiers are given supplies for training and War time but supplies prodominatly only go to our Hawks squad ( any member under 1500 strength and not of Commander*** or greater) as they will become our future forces. Most of our Tanking Squad Members ( Blue and Red Squads) are self sustaining as in they produce their own food and some of their own Weps !
Some still have not reached this level and we do all we can to assist them in this endeavour as it leaves us the ability to focus on the Hawks."
- Major General Sam Cougar

Countries Militia is operating in:

The Red Army

eSouth Africa is a nation that has seen many waves of PTO and the dirty side of politics for long, But they have always fought hard for their allies. They make up for their small size with heart and they never back down from a fight. Which makes them having a militia not surprising in any way. The militia however is one that focuses not only on the military aspect but also considers economic aspect of the game. They are the Red Army.

"We are an Elite eSouth African Military & Industrial Unit. Our goal is to strengthen the Republic through individual economic and military growth.
It is run by me and Hamilton Moore."
- Crumoet , Co - Founder, The Red Army.

Countries Militia is operating in:

Socialist Freedom Party Bear Cavalry
Political Parties having para - military organizations is not a new thing in eRepublik. We've seen many party oriented militias come and go. The next militia experienced such a demise, but under the new leadership of Bruce Sommer, they are back on the rise and deserves to be looked at by all means. Last but definitely not the least, i present the Socialist Freedom Party Bear Cavalry.

"The Socialist Freedom Party Bear Cavalry was founded some time ago by Mark Valshannar, one of our previous Party Presidents and major active members. However, after awhile activity within the Cav declined, and it eventually ceased to be used. In the past month, our current Party President, Bruce Sommer has revived it. He and I have worked together to get it back up and running. We're still in the early stages of developing our militia, but things are looking well. We are currently helping in the defense of the United States and the Liberation of France and Germany." - Alex Drex, Commander of the SFP Bear Cavalry

Countries Militia is operating in:

There! All done. I would like to once again thank every single member of each militia for making militias so damn cool and making the game a bit cooler just because they exist.

TL😉R - Militias are cool! join one today!

Lt. Col. Damien Wolf
2nd Regiment CO
The Crimson Order