Military Unit Changes - Invite vs Apply to join

Day 1,391, 00:02 Published in Finland Finland by WP Attak

I am not sure why people are upset by the new system. Ofcourse, everyone can now become a member of the most elite armies in the world. But they will not really gain anything with that except an icon to their profile.

The new Military Unit requires a bit of change in how new soldiers are approved in. In the past, every applicant needed to be approved in, and to me this was actually just a unnecessary hassle. When people leave and join frequently, it actually needed a bit of monitoring each day. In the new system, new soldiers are automatically approved. You can keep "applicants" or "rookies" in the last regiment, and invite approved soldiers to earlier regiments, the Elite forces. If you have under 50 soldiers, like we have in Wanhat Parrat Army, everyone can be in 1st regiment. All new applicants will automatically go to the second, to wait to be invited.

Note that the second regiment can be extemely boring as you will not see any of the discussions across regiments.

I am personally getting used to the new system already, if only I could write anything into the MU feed. But small bugs are ok, there is no bugfree code. 😉

Edit: Switching browsers fixed the last problem...