Military Structure: Precision or Strength? (Sweden)

Day 657, 18:39 Published in Sweden Canada by Lavis Knight

Hello Everyone,

With the continuing debate about military efficiencies or lack thereof being in the forefront of political discussion. I would like to offer an alternative view of concerning Military Structure: Precision or Strength?

The bottom line

The effectiveness of an army will be judged upon their ability to deal damage and the preciseness to which they can deal it. Damage refers to simply raw damage dealt within a battle in the 24 hour period while preciseness refers to being able to deal that damage when most appropriate. Ideally one would want to be able to dump all their damage within the last 10 minutes of a battle; however, the larger the military the more difficult this task will be while precision strikes typically will do less damage and cost more gold than less precise ones.

Large armies are a source of efficient damage; however, they are difficult to organize

To illustrate this let us look at the formula that determines damage:

Damage Inflicted = (Strength * 2) * (% Modifiers Rank/Weapon/Wellness)

Of all the attributes of this equation Strength is the most influential unknown. The next of course that will differentiate one fighter from the other is Rank, while technically Wellness and Weapon Quality can be matched by any Warrior if they have the resources. It is important for any military group to perform analysis based on strength and Rank through this method an army can determine how precise their damage is.

For example a Fighter with 12 strength and captain rank may do as much damage a 3 people with 4 strength and captain rank; however, the important thing to note here is: Although, the same amount of damage is dealt the first fighter can do it more precisely and cheaper than the other 3 Fighters.

But i thought you said precision was more costly?

Generally it is even though the same damage is dealt the 12 strength fighter is still only able to attack five times. There is many more people out there who have lower strength values to fill the ranks of an army; thus, the only alternative is to use money in order to allow the stronger warrior to attack more often. In terms of damage per gold this is very inefficient, but has the trade off of being precise.

Precision Strikers can produce damage when you need it; however at a cost.

Precision Vs Strength

Given these facts in terms of putting pressure on an enemy it is best to balance both strength and precision. Costlier precision attacks for the last few minutes of a battle, while the bulk of the army attacks throughout the day. Through such an analysis one can get the most effective damage for the lower cost. Remember for the cost of one wellness pack 3 fighters can be outfitted with 5 Q1 attacks for the day. That is 15 attacks to 1; thus this further illustrates the importance of balancing Precision Vs Strength.

It should be noted that strength groups generally do not move around well, in any fight where they do not need to leave the country either a defensive or offensive war they will be very effective; however, in resistance wars the strikes should generally be lead by Precision groups.

What does this mean in practical terms?

Organizing warriors to fight when you wish can be difficult. Precision could easily be hampered by the real life schedules of a player; furthermore, keeping supply lines for ones army up to date can be a very daunting task and will require some dedication from a few players to be done effectively.

For strikes based on Strength forget about being precise. Any warriors put in this column should perform their designated attacks as soon as they are able when they log in. Some people may disagree; however, often times players end up missing attacks due to real life reasons and furthermore this allows an army to have more active soldiers.

Our lives are very different and people cannot always be on during the last 10 minutes of a conflict. This way an army can get its damage out more cheaply as it will be able to distribute the weapons to more people. (As it is much easier to have a requirement to log in once a day rather than at exactly 1😇0 pm). Another positive is due to the increased damage output it will force enemies who are unbalanced on the side of precision to play their cards earlier.

For strikes based on precision you want to hit as hard as possible near the end of the battle. These are warriors who are able to log in more often throughout the day. Generally higher in Strength in order to provide that final push or counter precision strikes from opposing armies.

Supply lines: Weapon Masters

Trustworthy officers in the army who are able to log in more often should be assigned to be Weapon masters. In order to be most effective, weapons should be distributed as soon as possible after a battle has been declared to all of those warriors who are part of the force that focus on Strength.

This way as those troops log in throughout the day they can attack at their leisure. Weapon masters need to be dedicated and informed in terms of battle plans for the most effective distribution. In terms of sending orders in weapons each Weapon master should be assigned only a limited number of troops so they do not have to spend too much time getting caught up in distribution; furthermore, Weapon masters can observe the performance of those under them as to make sure the weapons are put to good use.

Supply and communication lines should be simplified so that orders and guns can be distributed effectively

A list of Recommendations are as follows:

1) No matter the experience of a soldier, anyone who is being supplied should be a player who generally logs in once per day

This is very important, to be able to count on the damage of ones army one must be sure that each participant will be able to get their attacks in each day. If not damage projections will become unreliable and resources wasted.

2) In times of peace or war a soldier should be fighting as often as possible

Very often we hear horror stories of soldiers waiting for orders and not being able to fight. While readiness is certainly an important factor; having soldiers with higher rank is also very important as this will make investments more effective in the long term. Soldiers should be encouraged to fight as often as possible.

3) Minimize the need of online forums and Chat for those in the Strength group

This is a point i cannot stress enough, most people are willing to fight once a day in the area of ones choosing especially if they are supplied; however, having to go to other media besides erepublik i believe complicates things specifically for those who are short on time, but are still able to provide valuable damage.

In terms of recruits let us open the floodgates a little and lessen the requirements on having to go to other sites. Orders can easily be issued by Weapon masters through pm. This way one can expand their membership for Strength strikes without too much restriction.

In Closing: Precision and Strength

Many armies in erepublik seem to focus more on the precision model and require members to be active in extra curricular means outside of the actual erepublik site; however, this can limit membership to many potential recruits; furthermore, it may force an army to supplement the lost damage in the form of wellness packs and costly precision strikes.

A balance between both principles must be met as even though it is important to have soldiers waiting in the wings near the end of a battle it should not be the primary source of a armies damage. To make the most of our gold i would recommend loosening restrictions and making sure that the bulk of an army is able to fight in each battle using Q1's as this will go much farther in cost savings and overall damage than relying solely on wellness packs.

Thank you for your considerations and comments!

Your wandering Canadian Ally
