Military Statistics - 7 Sep 2008 [e-statistics]

Day 292, 09:49 Published in Romania Romania by Astromaniac

Welcome to today's edition of Military Statistics, a new and improved version wich is far more accurate then the previous versions, but with no sketch this time. New features were added like: number of regions, treasury, army density and so on.

ASS = Average Soldier Strength
Army Density = Averge Number of Soldiers in 1 Region
Longevity Coefficient = Show how long can a state afford to fight in a war until its economy crashes
Defense Coefficient = Gives you the idea of how strong the resistance you might encounter if you attack all regions at once

When attack a state, the combination of the 3 coefficients will predict the outcome of the conflict.


Population - 4451
Army - 2765
ASS - 3.26
Regions - 33
Treasury - 2131.12
Army Density - 83.78
Military Service - 62.12%
Longevity Coefficient - 2.51
Defense Coefficient - 273.12
Military Coefficient - 9013.90

Population - 4176
Army - 2590
ASS - 3.40
Regions - 17
Treasury - 9255.15
Army Density - 152.35
Military Service - 62.02%
Longevity Coefficient - 12.14
Defense Coefficient - 517.99
Military Coefficient - 8806

Population - 2422
Army - 1656
ASS - 3.84
Regions - 32
Treasury - 13172.01
Army Density - 51.75
Military Service - 68.37%
Longevity Coefficient - 30.54
Defense Coefficient - 198.72
Military Coefficient - 6359.04

Population - 2492
Army - 1760
ASS - 3.64
Regions - 18
Treasury - 9321.23
Army Density - 97.77
Military Service - 70.62%
Longevity Coefficient - 19.27
Defense Coefficient - 355.88
Military Coefficient - 6178.26

Population - 3334
Army - 2177
ASS - 2.78
Regions - 51
Treasury - 1262.87
Army Density - 42.68
Military Service - 65.295%
Longevity Coefficient - 2.61
Defense Coefficient - 118.65
Military Coefficient - 5406.72

Population - 1816
Army - 1109
ASS - 3.72
Regions - 21
Treasury - 1872.53
Army Density - 52.80
Military Service - 60.75%
Longevity Coefficient - 6.28
Defense Coefficient - 196.41
Military Coefficient - 4125.48

Population - 1429
Army - 993
ASS - 3.31
Regions - 8
Treasury - 1716.24
Army Density - 124.12
Military Service - 69.48%
Longevity Coefficient - 5.72
Defense Coefficient - 410.83
Military Coefficient - 3286.83

Population - 1446
Army - 961
ASS - 3.35
Regions - 5
Treasury - 5628.23
Army Density - 192.20
Military Service - 66.45%
Longevity Coefficient - 19.61
Defense Coefficient - 643.87
Military Coefficient - 3219.35

Population - 1433
Army - 996
ASS - 3.19
Regions - 15
Treasury - 6264.64
Army Density - 66.40
Military Service - 69.50%
Longevity Coefficient - 20.06
Defense Coefficient - 211.81
Military Coefficient - 3177.24

Population - 1389
Army - 843
ASS - 3.04
Regions - 21
Treasury - 55.21
Army Density - 40.14
Military Service - 60.69%
Longevity Coefficient - 0.19
Defense Coefficient - 122.02
Military Coefficient - 2954.52

Population - 763
Army - 571
ASS - 4.33
Regions - 50
Treasury - 3000.17
Army Density - 11.42
Military Service - 74.83%
Longevity Coefficient - 22.75
Defense Coefficient - 49.44
Military Coefficient - 2472.43

Population - 1948
Army - 1484
ASS - 2.58
Regions - 24
Treasury - 235.25
Army Density - 61.83
Military Service - 76.18%
Longevity Coefficient - 0.40
Defense Coefficient - 159.52
Military Coefficient - 2395.80

Population - 1270
Army - 727
ASS - 3.26
Regions - 12
Treasury - 10061.34
Army Density - 60.58
Military Service - 57.24%
Longevity Coefficient - 45.11
Defense Coefficient - 197.49
Military Coefficient - 2370.02

Population - 909
Army - 549
ASS - 3.39
Regions - 6
Treasury - 3323.70
Army Density - 91.50
Military Service - 60.39%
Longevity Coefficient - 20.52
Defense Coefficient - 310.85
Military Coefficient - 1861.11

Population - 732
Army - 462
ASS - 3.74
Regions - 25
Treasury - 175.57
Army Density - 18.48
Military Service - 63.11%
Longevity Coefficient - 1.42
Defense Coefficient - 69.11
Military Coefficient - 1727.88

Population - 526

Army - 358
ASS - 4.16
Regions - 6
Treasury - 1762.65
Army Density - 59.66
Military Service - 68.06%
Longevity Coefficient - 20.48
Defense Coefficient - 248.18
Military Coefficient - 1489.28

Population - 871
Army - 517
ASS - 2.88
Regions - 7
Treasury - 38.14
Army Density - 74.00
Military Service - 59.35%
Longevity Coefficient - 0.21
Defense Coefficient - 213.12
Military Coefficient - 1488.96

Population - 776
Army - 470
ASS - 3.02
Regions - 13
Treasury - 1000.00
Army Density - 36.15
Military Service - 60.56%
Longevity Coefficient - 6.42
Defense Coefficient - 109.73
Military Coefficient - 1419.40

Population - 553
Army - 338
ASS - 3.35
Regions - 6
Treasury - 676.93
Army Density - 56.33
Military Service - 61.12%
Longevity Coefficient - 6.70
Defense Coefficient - 188.70
Military Coefficient - 1132.30

Population - 456
Army - 272
ASS - 3.68
Regions - 8
Treasury - 752.56
Army Density - 34.00
Military Service - 58.84%
Longevity Coefficient - 10.18
Defense Coefficient - 125.12
Military Coefficient - 1029.60

Population - 329
Army - 231
ASS - 3.77
Regions - 4
Treasury - 2.44
Army Density - 57.75
Military Service - 70.21%
Longevity Coefficient - 0.03
Defense Coefficient - 217.71
Military Coefficient - 870.87

Czech Republic
Population - 468
Army - 275
ASS - 2.82
Regions - 3
Treasury - 0.01
Army Density - 91.66
Military Service - 58.76%
Longevity Coefficient - 0.00
Defense Coefficient - 258.48
Military Coefficient - 775.50

Population - 399
Army - 224
ASS - 3.03
Regions - 17
Treasury - 296.96
Army Density - 13.17
Military Service - 56.14%
Longevity Coefficient - 4.01
Defense Coefficient - 39.90
Military Coefficient - 678.72

Population - 348
Army - 212
ASS - 3.06
Regions - 4
Treasury - 573.99
Army Density - 53.00
Military Service - 60.91%
Longevity Coefficient - 8.28
Defense Coefficient - 162.18
Military Coefficient - 648.72

Population - 286
Army - 183
ASS - 3.54
Regions - 8
Treasury - 340.26
Army Density - 22.87
Military Service - 63.98%
Longevity Coefficient - 6.58
Defense Coefficient - 80.95
Military Coefficient - 647.82

Population - 291
Army - 162
ASS - 3.47
Regions - 6
Treasury - 19.09
Army Density - 27.00
Military Service - 66.64%
Longevity Coefficient - 0.40
Defense Coefficient - 93.69
Military Coefficient - 562.14

South Africa
Population - 329
Army - 157
ASS - 3.44
Regions - 5
Treasury - 473.34
Army Density - 31.40
Military Service - 47.72%
Longevity Coefficient - 10.37
Defense Coefficient - 108.01
Military Coefficient - 540.08

Population - 380
Army - 194
ASS - 2.53
Regions - 1
Treasury - 50.54
Army Density - 194
Military Service - 51.05%
Longevity Coefficient - 0.65
Defense Coefficient - 490.82
Military Coefficient - 490.82

Population - 235
Army - 158
ASS - 2.82
Regions - 5
Treasury - 47.40
Army Density - 31.60
Military Service - 67.23%
Longevity Coefficient - 0.84
Defense Coefficient - 89.11
Military Coefficient - 445.56




01. Iran - 45.11
02. Sweden - 30.54
03. Pakistan - 22.75
04. Argentina - 20.52
05. Slovenia - 20.48

01. Brazil - 643.87
02. Spain - 517.99
03. Greece - 490.82
04. Portugal - 410.83
05. Indonesia - 355.88

*****************************CONTINEN TAL ARMY TOP****************************

01. Romania - 2765
02. Spain - 2590
03. Sweden - 1656
04. Norway - 1484
05. Italy - 1109

01. Indonesia - 1760
02. Turkey - 843
03. Iran - 727
04. Pakistan - 571
05. Japan - 224

01. USA - 2177
02. Brazil - 961
03. Argentina - 549
04. Mexico - 517
05. Canada - 470

**************************************ALLIANCES************************** ***********

___________________________ATLANTIS[/ b]__________________________
Romania - Spain - Sweden - USA - UK - Norway - Argentina
Alliance Army - 12 217
Alliance Strength - 3.740
Alliance Power - 45 691.58

___________________________PEACE_ __________________________
Indonesia - Italy - Portugal - Brazil - Turkey - Pakistan - Iran - France - Venezuela - Hungary - Japan - Netherlands - Austria - Bulgaria - Greece
Alliance Army - 8904
Alliance Strength - 3.620
Alliance Power - 32 232.48

On 24 August, Mexico declared war to Spain, thus entering in conflict with other 6 countries: France, Hungary, Canada, Argentina, Netherlands, Austria and Norway. Also, they entered in direct conflict with Venezuela and Portugal due to the MPP and bordering. Mexico signed peace with Venezuela immediatly, registering only 1 fight, won by a venezuelan soldier. The war with Portugal lasted 2 days, until 26 August. The portuguese made a smart move by conquering The Southeast region of Mexico, therefore stoping the spanish advance. This could only be done by signing a peace treaty immediatly with portugal. The war between Mexico and Spain remained in status quo, it will be continued after the launch of V1. A total number of 899 fights took place, 463 won by mexican troops while 298 victories for the enemies.

The biggest war in erepublik history was between Romania and Hungary, each part of the newly formed super-alliances Atlantis and PEACE GC. This was the first direct conflict between two alliances. 22 states participated in this conflict, temporarly ended with the victory of Atlantis troops. Romania made an intelligent move by declaring war with exactly 30 minutes before 4 MPP were activating with Hungary, therefore making the conquest easier. Romania along with its Atlantian allies conquered 7 regions of Hungarian territory, the war was stopped by the admins because of too many major bugs. The score of the BUG WAR is 3-3 on both sides. The conflict will continue after the launch of V1. THis was the biggest war in history, recording a total number of 7461 fights,. Romania fought against Hungary, France, Austria, Italy, Netherlands, Canada, Portugal, Pakistan and Spain(temporarly). Atlantis Allied troops won 2779 fights while PEACE GC won only 3702 fights beeing on the defensive.

Portugal saved Mexico from the Spanish Armada
Romania along with its allies fought against Hungary and PEACE GC

For those who want to compare between statistics: [a url=]Military Statistics - 14 Aug 2008[/a] If you want to be kept updated with my statistics then don't forget to subscribe. Also please vote it.

____________________________Astromani ac_________________________