Military & SCIENCE

Day 625, 02:04 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by William Walker

I have some suggestions. How about improving warfare by including the other branches of armies. These would be:

I will now present what the additions would be:


The navy forces would require the countries to have ships. Before having ships, they'd need a port in which to build ships. To not make things too complicated for construction of a ship, all one would need are guns and iron.

The purpose of these ships would be to close ports of other countries to make embargos effective, and to prohibit the use of moving tickets in that region. That means, no one can leave that port and move to another country.

Also, to ensure that your country can attack another country that is not connected to your country by land, you have to have transport ships to access that country. Once you have ensured that you have naval superiority in front of that countries harbours, you can land on their land. This is where the airforce comes in.


The airforce can then, if they gain a superiority in the region's air, support advances from the land forces. Should the airforce not have a superiority, the land forces lose a percentage of their attack effectivity i.e. ranging from 5% to max. 50%. In the case of an embargo, if the airforce is not hindered by an embargoing airforce, then the people can move to other countries but the embargo is still effective (i.e. to 80% since smaller amounts of goods would be transported by air, a large amount of the goods that reach us today and in the past has been and will be by sea).


And I was just thinking about the possibility of implementing SCIENCE! Countries can create appropriate research centres in certain regions that will help improve either military, infrastructural or economical aspects of the world. That means however, once a certain country has invented a new material of sorts or has gotten a breakthrough in a certain region, that no other research centre can get the same breakthrough. This would encourage espionage, you would try to find out how far the other country has researched and get their documents etc.

Researching would be a job in itself, and the license to sell the breakthroughs would fund the researchers. However if a country is stalling behind, the costs to fund researching is lowered percentually, but not in such significance that a country like Peru could suddenly create nanotubes before the USA has invented fire, to make an extreme example.

There are still some kinks and belts and zippers to be looked at, but I thought I'd throw this idea out there.