Military Pay - A New Hope?

Day 400, 15:10 Published in USA USA by Maxmillian VonWillebrand

OK, so over the last week, I have been kicking the idea about the military payroll and how to fix the system – and YES, it needs to be fixed! When I wrote my first ARTICLE- - I was really trying to get the idea out there that we had a serious problem that needed to be addressed ASAP. After reading over some of the comments, I began to realize I was not the only person in the military who was tired of the SNAFU. Therefore, I have written my own PERSONAL PROPOSAL that I am publically submitting for the brass and current administration to review, seriously review, and hopefully consider my solution as the new permanent payroll system for active military members. Here’s the breakdown, followed by a brief explanation for each of my suggestions:

NG – 0 pay during peacetime;$40/mo during war if deployed+active;0 weapons supplied

ARMY - $40/mo - peacetime;$80/mo - war if deployed+active;Q1/Q2 weapons supplied

MARINES - $80/mo – peacetime;$160/mo – war if deployed+active;Q3/Q4/Q5 weapons supplied

OK, before everyone FLIPS out here, let me break this down to you. Pay would be issued TWICE A MONTH instead of every week. Soldiers would get paid on the 1st+15th every month. So, during peacetime, the pay would be NG-$0;Army-$20;Marines-$40/pay period and it would be $20;$40;$80/pay period respectively during war if the soldier is deployed and actively fighting. (Officer pay would be above the standard rates in similar fashion as they are now) Obviously, we don’t ever foresee being deployed and AT WAR for a month at a time, so the monthly figures would most likely never be paid out, just the figures/pay period. What this does is cut HALF of the work down from where it was before. Having to track payment status for EVERY soldier EVERY week got to be overwhelming. This simplifies that part.

The second thing I want to discuss is why I came up with the pay scale I did. You are probably wondering why the NG is listed as receiving no pay during peacetime, amongst other things. I have a few reasons, and here they are:

1) NG pay is set to $0 during times of peace as this is the assignment we give to those eCitizens who wish to serve their country on the military forefront, but do not yet meet the requirements for the Army or Marines. This branch of our service must be a VOLUNTEER basis to help build the citizen’s character, and help them to truly appreciate all that their service to their country is doing. During this assignment, troops will receive basic training on combat skills and communication within their squads. It will prepare them for moving up and doing more for their country in the Army. Their pay appears ($40/mo or $20/2 wks) only when deployed and being called on to act and show what they have learned for battle from their training. This also explains why the weapons will not be supplied at all. This is the weakest division of the armed forces, and they need to learn how to properly fight first before we can spend money on weapons for them to fight with.
2) ARMY pay being set to $40/month which is the equivalent of $10/wk. It is half of what the troops were getting before, but still gives them a small stipend to either improve the quality of their food or get gifts and exchange gifts with someone to maintain their wellness. Pay doubles during times of war. Weapons supplied will be Q1 and Q2 weapons, depending on the status of the coffers at the time. With all of the extra money being saved from NG payroll and cutting the other 2 as well, funding carte blanche for weapons should not be a problem.
3) MARINES pay being set at $80/month is the equivalent of $20/wk and is a 50% reduction in pay from what they receive now, but pay would double to $160/mo during times of war, in which, the Marines are always the first to go, and sometimes the only ones to go. Weapons, again are carte blanche for the Marines and should always be Q3/Q4 or Q5.

I hope this article has educated a few more people who don’t understand why it is we need to develop a stronger volunteer base within the NG and pay our enlisted troops. Overall, I feel like we have lost some of the moxie that used to flow through the veins of every serviceman and woman. Morale is dipping as soldiers are beginning to feel like they aren’t really being appreciated for their hard work and dedication to their country. We need to act, and we need to act SOON. I strongly feel that this structure will help the military in cutting processing time for distributing pay, raise morale within the units andhelp the overall funds grow by making small cuts here and there.

VOTE THIS UP, and please, leave a comment!!

~MV, E.I.C.