Military ineffectiveness and the white rabbit

Day 1,497, 10:13 Published in United Kingdom USA by Oddinary

Day 1497 9:59pm

By Dnouser
Washington Star

Canada, North East of England (WS) -- Whilst on the battle front fighting as part of the Resistance war against Canada, it has been driven home just home poorly our military is currently being run.

Checking in to see where to concentrate my fire today I found that both the irc and forum wanted me to fight in a battle that we have won 2 days ago.

I brought this topic up in the irc and within minutes it was fixed to reflect the current situation here in Canada, North East of England. If it only takes a few minutes to up date bot the irc and forum why was this not done earlier?

We ask our soldiers to fight in a coordinated effort but then don't supply correct information. I personally have been fighting bare handed as no one in the army seems to want to supply me with weapons or food.

Three weeks ago when I became active again, after a long hiatus, I applied to the army using the online form provided in the forums. To this date I have not heard word one from anyone in our defense department.

It is time to make some changes so that we don't end up looking like this all the time.

I would be nice if the rest of the countries saw us like this