Midnight Questions: Patton

Day 714, 14:24 Published in Ireland Cuba by Harrilal

Good evenin' all. It is I, de Midnight Robber!
*Tweeeet!* *Tweeeeet!*

For a change, I goin' to give someone else de spotlight instead of mih stunnin' self.
Dis evenin' we unveil Midnight Questions. Is exactly how it sounds. I find some people an' ask dem a few questions. Ten to be exact. As de title suggests, we kickin' off strong by goin' right to de top. Mistah President heself. Patton is de man.
Let's get right down to it, yeah? Right!

Was yuh born in eIreland?
I was eBorn in Ireland on day 20 of the New World.

Why yuh chose it?
I chose to start from Ireland because of my Irish heritage. I thought it would be a fun way of meeting real life Irish people

What got yuh into ePolitics?
Ireland was messed up when I got here so I tried to go about fixing it and I wanted the unlimited power 🙂 that being a president in a small beta country gave you.

Do yuh feel dat eIreland progressed undah yuh leadahship?
I definitely feel that my administration has helped Ireland to progress. Many things have changed in Ireland over the past few months and I would say they were all for the better.

Speakin’ of powah... what do yuh t’ink of de eReligions such as Zammuelism, Dioism an de rest?
Being born in an age when Dioism was the only religion and Pakistan was the perennial power. Its hard for me to accept the new fangled religions. I think any older beta player would agree there is no substitute for Diosim

In de past dey been harsh comments aimed towards some of de press editors who had chosen to write poetry an’ songs to comment on de state of Ireland raddah dan traditional essay type articles. If dat debate came ‘round again, what would yuh say on de issue?
Freedom of the press. If you dont want to read then dont.

Developers forbid, if Ireland were to disappear from de eWorld (politically and geographically), where might yuh move to an’ why?
I would create a new Ireland and form a new country from the eSurvivors. I would probably move everybody to Slovakia and make is a capitalist paradise just to mess with Manni

If you could make one person in de eWorld have to always tell de trut’ (a la Liar Liar), who would it be an’ why?
Padraig Pearse. I dont think his scams would work very well if he told people what he was going to do

Can yuh describe de colour purple to a blind man (one who was born so)?
Yes.... I can

Yuh about to type yuh last sentence in eRepublik. What message yuh want yuh last words to be?
Stop neutrality, lets go out gun blazing, damn the consequences !

So dere yuh have it folks! Pretty simple. Ten questions an' ten answers. T'anks kindly to Patton for allowin' us to take up some of dat precious presidential time. We know yuh a busy man, so bless up fuh dat! Before we ended, ah told Patton he could have de last words, so here dey is.

"Vote For Patton!"


Thanks again to Patton for the interview. If you found this entertaining, check out Irish Princess' interview! She asks the president a few more questions (and before I did, I might add).

Now, as promised, I will answer the first five (5) questions from the previous article's comments.
Ask Harrilal!

Bryan O'Shea asks, "Voted?"
Well, Bryan, I think the answer to that question is yes. You see, there was no kind of malice in your post. So I think you did vote.

JohnSmith 2K9 asks, "can i have money lol"
I'm afraid I am a starving artist. So, no, I cannot offer you any money. Though, someone on the forum may have some advice for you. Come to think of it, I should probably check that out myself. I don't want to starve anymore.

JohnSmith 2K9 asks, "really how do you think will win this WW3"
This is tricky. Is it really HOW or is it WHO? I'm not sure, so I'll answer both.
How will one side win? I don't think either PEACE or EDEN/Brolliance can conquer the other totally. Maybe behind closed doors with the leaders of the alliances settling for a small ceasefire (a couple months at most).
Who will win? Anyone who still has a country at the end.

Da Boss asks, "vote + sub you do the same for me?"
After having read your jokes and finding them amusing? Most certainly, yes. And just in case you never read my paper again, I've sent you a PM saying the same.

😎ayan asks, "Why midnight?"
Simply because the Midnight Robber asks the questions.

And that's that, folks!
I wanted to put this article out as soon as possible, so I took two questions from JohnSmith. However, in future, (unless there is a shortage) I will only answer one question per person. Thank you for reading! Thanks again to Patton for his time.

Together we aspire! Together we achieve!