Midnight Questions: Manic Eskimo

Day 736, 08:41 Published in Ireland Cuba by Harrilal

Dis Midnight Questions, we interviewed a fella dat is relatively unknown to me. I chose him specifically because of dis. Half de point of dese interviews is to meet new people an’ find out what makes dem tick. He’s a fella who organizes communes for de people. Manic Eskimo is de man.
Midnight Questions start NOW!

What brought yuh to eIreland?
I started in the eUK as I'm from London but got a bit bored and decided to come here as I'm 1/2 Irish and wanted to learn a bit more about the history of Ireland and stuff like that.

Have yuh been able to learn anyt'ing about de country yet?
Urmmm.... not really yet if anyone has somthing to teach me please get in touch.

Is de government and ministry of new citizens doin' enough to make new eIrish feel welcome?
I'm really not sure about the ministry of new citizens but I've been made to feel very welcome here and have made lots of good freinds.

How do you feel about de eUS wargames?
The war games have been great. I think strong relaitions with the eUS are important. I'd love to see us win one.

Have ya registered on de eIrish National Forum?
Yeah I'm on the eIrish forum I started a Joke thread but only me and Ian Arbuckle have posted in it so far. I'd love to see some more people get involved and I also put somthing up about my communes

Well, we doh have as many subscribers as some oddahs, but dis could help ya get de word out a bit. Could ya tell us a bit about yuh communes?
The commune system is there to support all workers young or experienced. The basic principle is that the workers own of their own labour so the workers making food supply the workers making guns and vica versa we're expanding into moving tickets next. Also we will sell our products at below market value giving everyone cheaper goods. I didn't come here to start communes but was shocked when I couldn't find any they're an important part of lots of economies eWorld-wide.

Quite interestin'! Do ya plan to run for any offices any time soon to maybe nationalize a commune or two?
Nah political power is not something I'm interested in having but I will campaign for anyone with socialist principles. I'd like to keep the communes as politically neutral as possible as we have had some great support from Independent Voices members as well as support from the ISDP but if the workers predominantly wanted to swing to any party then the commune would go that way at the moment we all have a vote no one is more important than anyone else there. I just implement the changes other people want. Complete democracy

Yuh about to write yuh last sentence in eRepublik. What do yuh say?
Workers of the eWorld Unite!!!!!

Why does Superman wear underpants on de outside of he tights?
Superman obviously wheres them on the outside to save on washing. I know I do

Last question. You have de ability to change ONE t'ing in eIreland. What do yuh change and why?
I already changed what I needed to but maybe to end British imperialism would be good.

A’right boss, t’anks much for yuh time! Any last words to share wit’ de people?

Thanks for the Interview if anyone wants to get in touch please do. Here's a link to the commune .

Time for Ask Harrilal!
Only three questions this time around, so to compensate I will stretch my answers a bit.

Edana Savage asks, “Harrilal I've been thinking long and hard about what question I would ask you. And this is what I really really need to know. When you put toilet paper on the dispenser, do you do it with the paper rolling over the top or from the bottom?”
She assures me there’s a method to the madness. We’ll see, won’t we? Prior to living with my lady, I simply had the roll sitting on its side on the counter. Mainly because the student house I lived in did not have a roll slot. Prior to that, I used big industrial style toilet paper locked in a huge contraption for dispensing because I lived in a boarding house with 60 other boys who couldn’t be trusted with anything (for those who ever wondered… it is JUST like Harry Potter but without the magic). Before that I lived with mum, who to this day doesn’t trust any cleaning or general upkeep to anyone but herself (she put it over the top). Nowadays, it’s quite simple. I do what my lady tells me to do. She likes the toilet paper over the top so that is how I do it. So really, the choice has never been mine. Honestly, I don’t think I care enough either way, but out of habit (between mum and the lady) I would probably instinctively put it to roll from the top.

Yuri Orlov Industries asks, “How do they get the figs into the fig rolls?”
I’m no baker, so I’m afraid I am not truly qualified to answer this. I’ll give it a shot though. I would guess that you put a small layer of the biscuit mix down first, then the fig puree and finally, put the biscuit mix over the fig. Thus explaining why the bottom is slightly browner than the rest of the biscuit (because it has baked a little longer than the rest of it. Barring that, I’ll go with a tube method that my aunt’s bakery uses, in which there is a small tube of filling (in her case it is strawberry filling) fixed to the inside of a larger tube of biscuit paste. When you squeeze, the biscuit comes out surrounding the filling. Her pastries are nowhere near as flat as the commercial fig rolls, but I don’t see why the same logic can’t apply.

Dan Murchadh asks, “I saw you were in Greece recently/currently (after looking you up), still working for the "collars and cuffs" company, any new incites?”
eGreece is not for me. I shall withhold names, but many people I have messaged either didn’t reply or worse yet, didn’t want to talk at all. Their forums are also pretty closed off to anyone but full-citizens. That said, there are a good few eGreeks who did respond positively (Veriah Carmine and the president, Che Greco to name two). I can’t say that it is eGreece’s fault though. I imagine my not speaking Greek holds me back there a bit. I also attribute some of the closed off-ness to eGreece being involved in EDEN. Perhaps its citizens are wary of newcomers because they could be spies from (what once was) PEACE. Or perhaps I just come off too strong. I’m not sure.

Due to the friendly relations between EDEN (which eGreece is part of) and the Brolliance, I have been able to take part in the eIrish/eUS wargames as well as almost all the games and wars that took place over the last month. So my progression militarily has not been hindered. In fact, as stated in the comments of the last article, I am now Captain Harrilal. As for service in the Gynarchy, I entered an unwritten contract with Mistress Carmine that I would work as a ‘servant’ for a month. They have taken very good care of me. I sacrifice a small part of my wage to the company; in return I get food that guarantees I start the day off with 100% wellness. What is taken out of my salary is a pittance compared to what I’d have to pay for that food. Coupled with the fact that I subscribe to the Gynarchy’s train of thought, the arrangement is extremely satisfying.

I will be returning to eIreland on December 3rd (unless the IDF needs me sooner for some reason, in which case, I move as the order is given).

And that's three!
Remember folks! The first five (5) questions asked in the comments of this article, will be answered in my next article! Thanks for reading!

Classifieds and Personals:
One lonely member of the IUP looking for pantsless love.
If black shirts, no pants and a neat haircut strike your fancy, contact me at 118231.

eRoyalty got you down?
Begin the revolution! Contact me at 2064340

eMonarchy is the way to be.
Looking for obedient servants for my tea party tomorrow at 4:03pm SHARP.
Inquiries to be sent to 2023897.

The classifieds and personals may actually be entirely fictional at the moment.

Together we aspire! Together we achieve!