Midnight Questions: Irish Princess

Day 721, 17:09 Published in Ireland Cuba by Harrilal

De Robber returns!
*Tweeeeeet!* *Tweeeeeet!*

Wit'out mincin' too many words, today we be interviewin' a lady dat some will know and oddahs may not (yet). She's one of de happiest people in eIreland. Irish Princess is dat lady!
Let's get down to it! Round two of Midnight questions begins!

How did yuh come to be eIrish royalty?
My family name has been world renowned for centuries and centuries hence. My royal name has allowed me to travel the eUniverse and make my claims where I may. The Princess declared her royal station permanently in eIreland as there was a fine gent by the name of patton that took her fancy.

Do yuh foresee an eMarriage in de future?
The Princess is confused on this matter. I know of my beauty and seductive nature, but patton has not requested a marriage of me yet. The Princess feels that if such a proposal does not come soon, she will have to search for other suitors that take to her liking ♥

Dat is quite unfortunate. Let's suppose he pop de question, would it be a completely civil ceremony or would dere be a ceremony in accordance wit' one of de eReligions as well?
The Princess is no traditional girl by any means, but she would want something more than a civil ceremony. I have already had my people fashion my holiday palace into a fit space for a wedding. There will be cake (strawberry of course), exotic animals from various regions, and a multitude of famous persons who would be there to praise me. All eGods and eGoddesses are welcome, of course. ♥

Sounds good to me. Perhaps a question dat's a bit more serious, if yuh will. Is dere anyt'ing de government of eIreland isn't doin', dat perhaps yuh would like to be seen done?
The Princess thinks the government is doing a splendid job, but I do have a one major problem: I'm not entirely sure why eIreland has not exiled Dylanb for his atrocities yet. Abominable, really. All citizens should read the Pink Post about the wrong doings. Aside from that, the Princess approves of the government's doings especially after having my official title announced last week. ♥

If yuh could make one non-eIrish person come to eIreland, who would it be and why?
Prince Alex in Bosnia, for sure. The Princess thinks him rather charming and feels he would help to bring a better understanding of royalty to eIreland to those who do not quite grasp the concept (here the Princess speaks mainly of Dylanb, but also of his compatriots like Eulsmon) ♥

Will de Princess ever be runnin' for congress or president or any such t'ings?
Ah! The Princess is currently working with the wonderful Octavius Dryst who is running for party president of the IUP on such matters. The Princess commends you on your foresight ♥

You are about to type yuh last sentence in eRepublik. What do yuh choose to say?
The Princess would direct her last sentence to her royal executioner in regards to Dylanb. The sentence would rea😛 "Off with his head!" ♥

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if dat woodchuck was in a wood chuckin' mood?
As the Princess owns many personal royal woodchucks, I can say with a high degree of certainty that one eager woodchuck would chuck about 20 kilograms if he should be feeling apt to do so. ♥

Dis is a very important question for eIrish legend and lore. When we saw yuh last (or second to last... as of dis interview) article yuh claimed yuh was developin' a t'eory on Patton's baby eatin'. Since it's been a few days well, perhaps yuh could enlighten de people as to what dat t'eory is?
Oh, yes. As of late, the Princess has notices the impeccable sheen of our ePresident's hair. Her royal scientists have concluded that this pristine shine could very well be a direct result of his baby consumation.
Let it be noted that the Princess is not completely positive that patton's hair beauty is caused by the verious hair vitamins in infants, but will be sure to do her duty to the nation if she finds some validity in this.
The Princess would hate for all eIreland citizens to go without lustrous hair care. ♥

Finally, ah had some of mih posse raid de local library (eWiki) and we noticed dat dere are no records of yuh in dere. Will dere be any attempt to rectify dis or will yuh paper and replies to oddah papers remain de only way to know de history of de Irish Princess?
The Princess has thought much about this problem and feels it need be ratified. Alas, I am left in wonder of who I feel worthy to be commissioned for such a task.
The Princess's search continues. ♥

T'anks kindly for yuh time. Ah know how it can be busy-busy.
As usual, we be givin' de person bein' interviewed de last word, if yuh so choose. Anyt'ing to share, go ahead and say it.

The Princess is delighted to have been interviewed by such a famous journalist as yourself.
The Princess has officially added you as a member of her favorites (along with Gordongekko and 😎ayan, of course)
Have a lovely day ♥

Thanks again to Irish Princess! Onto part two of the article.
As with every article since its announcement, it's time for Ask Harrilal where I answer the first five questions from the previous article's comments. If your question was left out, it is because it was after the fifth. Fear not though, all the "missed" questions will be answered in the future in a special article dedicated solely to Ask Harrilal! This will likely be when there are enough missed questions to actually fill a whole article. Anyhoo! Go!

buddysilver asks, "Who were your first friends in eRepublik?"
There are a few that deserve mention. Balkan Beast was my very first friend on my very first and very first subscriber of my paper. We both started up around the same time (him a few days before I did) and he gave me a couple pointers on the eRep forum. We don't talk as much anymore, as we're in totally different spheres of influence but every now and again we'll catch up on what's been going on in the other's eLife.

Grainne Ni Mhaille Without a doubt, the most helpful out of anyone in my starting days. Kind, well-spoken and just an all round class act. She's supported me from day one. NAR Henry, who recently got bitten by the banning spree, also helped me out and in return I helped him and his fellow eJamaican campaigners.

Those three were my first friends on eRepublik.

Niall H asks, "Who do you respect the most in eIreland?"
If Grainne was currently in country, it would be a no brainer. Right this moment though? I am inclined to say anyone who deals with new citizens in a positive manner. I've always found Nogin the Nog, Digits and Brian Boru to be quite respectable. Though, eIreland is really filled with people that you can really respect.

ian arbuckle asks, &quot😉o you think Boheimans deserve to be Champions of Preimer League Ireland ?"
As I said in the last article, I don't watch the Irish Premier much. So please take my answer with a grain of salt. Generally, the teams/players at the top of their league do deserve to be there. So I would say yes. If there was dodgy business, then perhaps not, but most of the time there isn't. When I was younger, I hated the teams that beat my own and would say they didn't deserve it, but I find that it was just displaced anger. Most of the time, when my teams lose, it's because the other teams were simply better that day.

melkorroklem asks, "Why the name Harrilal?"
I have a good friend in real life whose name is Harrilal. He uses my name in games and I use his. No real fancy answer there, I'm afraid.

Rhett Butler asks, "What is your favorite War?"
IRL, I don't like any current war. I just find historical wars to be interesting.
In real life, it would be the wars under Genghis Khan and the colonial wars in the West Indies that I find most interesting. In eRep? I liked watching the war between PEACE and the eUS/Canada unfold over summer. It was sad when Canada was wiped out (I'm currently living there IRL), but I knew it was only a matter of time for it to bounce back. Truthfully, it was the only real major war I was privy to see in eRep. I'm quite eYoung.

And that's that.
Here's 3 papers that I enjoy for various reasons (all eIrish version):
The Irish Community
Irish Foreign Affairs
Irish Department of Defense

So remember folks! The first five (5) questions asked in the comments of this article, will be answered in my next article! Thanks for reading!

Together we aspire! Together we achieve!