Midnight In the Garden of Good and Eden.

Day 858, 02:55 Published in USA USA by Gnaeus Progenitor

People of the eU.S.A., there is a debate going on in the dark halls of congress - in private rooms on the IRC built by Freemasons, with secret passageways, and Illuminati symbols. This debate is being controlled by a cabal [no doubt with occult connections] which seeks to argue that leaving EDEN will solve our problems with our allies! [It's as if Dan Brown got a hold of my google doc account.] *Forgive the Sargasm and theatrics of the first paragraph*

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Several people have publicly put their 2 cents worth in on this debate so far, such as Josh Frost, St Krems, PigInZen, Gaius Julius, and a few others that I can think of. I think it is my time to throw my hat in the ring [of fire?] and tell le peuple [the people] where I stand. I do realize that I am a freshman congressman and am thusly considered something similar to that little fish that hides by the castle while the bigger fish continuously patrol to see whether the glass wall of the tank has moved yet. I also realize that I actually have something to say on the matter [EDEN; not the glass wall].

Let me start by saying we are having difficulties in the Erepublik Defense & Economy Network - and have been for quite some time. I believe it started with Romania and spread, in a fungus-like manner, to the many rest of our European allies. That fungus is the dislike and distrust for the eUnited State of America; more specifically, the eU.S.A.'s dedication to her alliance. With this distrust has come cries by many eU.S. people [prominent, and obscure ( \o/ ), alike] to pull out of the Alliance we have called home for several months.

Why would anyone be angry with the eU.S.? We are the country of Frost, McFarland Deux [formerly], PigInZen, Harlot, Gaius, and Emerick; how could anyone not like us? It turns out they are angry over, in part, the fact that the eU.S. has been [supposedly] relatively inactive in aiding EDEN military missions in Continental Europe. There was the infamous Sindh incident [which ticked off Poland], the recent Croatian Land Bridge affair [which, as one could guess, ticked off Croatia], and seemingly long ago there was Bulgarian-gate [which ticked off Romania]. Admittedly, the eU.S. has made mistakes. What country hasn't? I am looking at you Poland. HARD.

The eU.S. was also the first country in EDEN to pluck that forbidden, but oh so stimulating, fruit that is a high Iron region. Sure, Spain sat comfortably with it's own, Admin given, high Iron region - but it was the eU.S. which clawed its way through Asia and wrestled the gem of the Indonesian Empire away from them - with the aid of EDEN. Ever since that forbidden fruit things have changed within the alliance. Inequalities arose based on iron and gold supply; as well as the huge population boom in Poland. The European campaigns in that consumed whole countries were met with dissent from friends and neighbors. Phoenix encourages this dissent; they revel in it.

This is about our alliance, our eFate. This is about rebuilding friendships and mending bridges - land briges, if necessary. I do not believe leaving EDEN will solve much of anything. It certainly won't help the people with banners with that international "list of hails". One hail they left out was a Hail Mary - lord in Haeven [spelled correctly] we need such a play now.

Here's why leaving EDEN is not so much silly - as rather impractical:

Another mega-alliance will likely rise in its place. It will have all of the same countries [+ or - 1 or 2] and will have some other name / acronym that evokes some sort nostalgic sense of pride. In between alliances we will have our best bros - Canada [New Albion], the Australia [the Great Southern Land], and the land of Éire [& her fertyl soils]. With our close friends, we can defend ourselves in the expected interim - our absence would teach those Europeans just how valuable we are. Former and current EDEN members would duke it out with phoenix, and EDEN would live up to it's name as a defense pact; and would come crawl back to the eU.S.

Here's where my paranoia comes into play - suppose they do not come back to us, then what? Suppose the alliance irrevocably divides. The then predominantly European EDEN and the Broliance Pact countries are left on their own... would this be better for what was once all of EDEN? Two nimble mega-armies not distracted by different and distant theatres. It could be, or it could be just the opposite. What if one of the big European EDEN members decides to bat for the other team? What if suddenly we are faced with more foes than before? Silly? Poland and Hungary are fairly close in real life, as is Romania - sure some nationalistic / devolutionist nits will say "no, we hatez dem in real life, hail Peenix!" or something in that trollish manner. I do not believe any EDEN country will change sides, but who is to say that is not possible?

We should not leave EDEN. We should reform it. Protest it by not paying our dues, as some have proposed and other countries have done, if necessary. We are asking to reform an alliance within the game - not to reform the Roman Catholic Church in real life [see Martin Luther and John Wycliffe for how that went]. We could use some fresh eBlood in the leadership of the alliance; perhaps, include more people in the meetings, like congress members [ \o/ ]. This is not so much about who did what wrong, as much is it is about where EDEN needs to focus, and, believe me, EDEN needs focus. Europe and Asia are two divided fronts, and we can have those two separate nimble armies within the same alliance. Or we can focus on one particular area all at once. This alliance needs better coordination and communication - this is obvious to anyone that has had access to an erepublik map in the last 3 months.

Improve EDEN; do not destroy it. Together we are a formidable team. You don't buy a new house because the dishwasher is broken.

I will end with this: I deeply respect what our EDEN brothers in arms, everyone of them, for what they have done for our country and for the alliance. Poland, Croatia, Spain, Romania, Finland [what's left of you at the moment], Norway, Canada, et al. All might not be well in the garden of EDEN, but together we must sew the seeds of our victory not our demise in the fight against the enemy. Phoenix is that enemy. We are EDEN. We are strong.

There is a chance I do not know the magnitude of the rift among allies - maybe I am too much of an outsider. What do I know, I am just a first term congressman. Now go take those 2 cents and purchase €0.0005 [Euro] on the currency exchange - you'll thank me later when the dreadful New World Order takes over America.

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