Mid-term Minister of Finance Update

Day 1,772, 02:06 Published in Australia Australia by infin

It has been fascinating watching the economy during the past month while we have battled to retain our territories from Chile (and failed). The two key assumption I draw from the data are:

1. Tax revenue has collapsed over the past month from $589,223 in the past full month to $145,233 in the current month to date. Yesterday's tax revenue was $3,500 for example.

2. The Reserve Bank of Australia commenced a stimulus strategy of buying gold on market once it was detected on day 1764 that the price of gold was falling dramatically. This indicated a fall in liquidity of AUD - a smaller amount of AUD was available for traders and thus demand for AUD was increasing.

Between day 1764 and today the RBA bought 1611.76 gold at a total cost of $860,331.33, an average price 534.40AUD per gold. The bulk of gold purchases occurred over the last 2 days (1770 and 1771) after gold fell below 520 AUD. It was also decided to increase the RBA's holding of gold given the enormous AUD holdings and limited gold holdings. Increasing the weighting of gold holdings improves the government's financial position should the AUD devalue again in the future. This will also allow the Australian government to buy AUD if inflation breaks out again which it was not in a position to do previously.

It is fascinating to see how rapidly the price of AUD has gone up indicating a demand for Australian made product. It is not clear what AUD holders are doing with their currency however as the currency is not being used in on-market transactions attracting taxation revenue. With very few territories for most of the term, much of the taxation revenue that would normally have accrued to the Australian government is going going to Chile instead.

Expenses to date have been $400,000 to ADF, $50,000 for 5 MPP renewals and an assumed $1,000 for citizen fees.

A full report will be tendered to the Senate upon completion of the CP term.

Minister of Finance