Mickale for BEP PP

Day 1,236, 12:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mickale

Greetings to all! I have decided to try my hand at the reigns of power for the BEP, I hope the crown fits.

As Party President, I will launch a new media initiative to popularise our party and keep its name in the paper. It is with this frequent coverage that we will gain members just by familiarity.

In addition, I will formulate new party ministries to get EVERYONE involved in the political process. This will include (but won't be limited to) Minister of Recruitment, Entertainment, Treasury, Public Publication. A "Hall of Leaders" will be constructed on our forum featuring every PP starting with bamber that contains a portrait (their erepublik picture), name, their goals and what they actually accomplished. This will allow for strict scrutiny of leaders and announce to all who is really getting things done. Major assistants and active participants will have their subsequent gallery entitled "Hall of Essentials" where the portrait, name and description of contributions will be listed.

It is absolutely imperative to our cause that we appeal to new members while maintaining the the old. To do this we will have many votes on many things such as party emblems, political stances, party-advocated music, recruiting ideas, and more. I will also sponsor many tutorials for new people to the game and/or the eUK. A sub-forum section will be added for their purposes to create a 'BEP Community' which will serve almost like Woldy's 'Buddy Programme' but everyone will be in communication with everyone, providing a floruishing basis for ideas, involvement and opportunity for the new. This will not only help the BEP, but the nation as a whole.

Our official manifesto will be the product of a massive group effort in the party and will have many many many drafts reviewed before its final publication. If players wish to join within 5 days of my [hopeful] election, they will have an opportunity to influence this manifesto. It too will be publicised widely. Everyone who owns a newspaper in the party will be encouraged to a 5 day "BEP Emphasis" where all articles will mention the BEP in some way with a link to our page.

We may only have 21 members but we have been steadily gaining speed like an old steam-driven train. Once we get going we will not be stopped until we crash into the top 5 once more and return the former glory of the BEP to its proper place.

For Fun! For Ambition! For Involvement! For Progress! For Mickale!!!

- Sponsored by the BEP

-Join the BEP