Michigan- Thanks and Voting record week 1

Day 465, 13:26 Published in USA USA by Gaius Julius

Ladies and Gentlemen of Michigan,

First and foremost thank you for voting for me. I will do the best I can to represent you in Congress. I extend the sincerest regards to those that ran in Michigan as well, especially the Tsar Vandall who did an excellent job last term. Already I have been very active on the forums and IRC in an effort to the the best job possible. I welcome any and all private messages from my constituents. In an effort to keep connected with you I plan to publish a weekly voting record and an article about my current efforts and beliefs.

And so...

Here's the first proposals of my term, I have not included the joke proposals that transferred over from the last congress.

Declare WAR with Mexico
My vote: NO, Measure Pending (but will pass). Current Vote: 45-4
Reasoning: I believe this is a great chance to do get some exp and help train our military, However I can not reconcile with invading a defenseless nation.

Donate 70,000 USD to Fort Knox.
My vote: My vote: YES, Measure Pending (but will pass). Current Vote: 39-4
Reasoning: This is a formality as part of funding a war against Mexico.

Alliance with Israel
My vote: YES, Measure Passed 61-1
Reasoning: I strongly support Israels recent freedom form Turkish oppression. i also see it as a chance to further stand up to Peace's bully tactics and empire building.

Tax Change: Oil
My vote: No, Measure Pending (but will pass). Current Vote: 42-9
Reasoning: I am against raising current levels of taxes form where they stand now. I understand that we need money for the war but we cant go throwing YOUR money away.

Ok thats all, thank you Michigan for the time and if you have any questions or comments feel free to tell me!!!
Gaius Julius
Congressman of Michigan
Federalist party Congressional Chairman