Michel For Congress

Day 572, 18:21 Published in USA USA by Miche Llorens

Now I know we still have some time before congress elections time is upon us, but just 5 days before the elections I will be moving to Louisiana to represent them in Congress. In this article that I have publish it will explain why you should vote for me, and what I will be doing. So i ask everyone that you help spread the word to fellow eAmericans to vote for me as a future 1st term congressmen. I hope you enjoy Your Coffee Break! 🙂

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1) Reason why..
2)USWP PP candidates
3)Wise Quotes
4)Leadership Quotes
5)Verse of the Day

Hello there eAmerica!

Today on Your Coffee Break I will just simply write a short description which will lay down the reason why on the next congress election people like you should vote for me, and give me the opportunity and honor to become congressmen representing the State of Louisiana.

-Now many of you may know me, many of you may not. But politics is something that my passion and I will be involved in RL. Now as congressmen I will be focus on foreign relations, which hopefully I can have the honor to be a member of the foreign relationship committee. Why you ask, well I believe that the eUS needs to better improve it relationship with allies and non-allies. On a world where we are divided by diversity in culture, religion, political view, philosophy, race etc…., we need to better understand each other to live in harmony. Now I know what you are thinking great he is going to ruined our war games; well no I’m not, cause wars is what keeps our health up and helps fuel our production when we work with a 100% health. But the diversity I’m talking about is the type of diversity that we bring from real life to hear, a new life where we can change and put the past where it belongs “In the past”. But I will advise the committee to better cooperate with foreign nations so we can better accomplish issues that we may face in the future with other country or citizen that posts a threat to the world. By advising I mean that I will stand oppose against any MPP that seems that it will drags us into conflicts we don’t wish to be involve in, but I will try to get the eUS to form strong MPP with old allies that we have share much with for a long time now. As we may know some countries on the other side of the world still struggle and continue the same problems that country in real life have today.

-Second, I will also focus my time on the Economical and Treasury department. To find better ways to get the government and the people more money. Now I won’t propose rising the minimum wage cause that won’t work and never did in the past, so what the point on continuing working on a plan that will make our life miserable. But I will focus on better export and import taxes that will show results that we want to see. As well as better taxes on products that will befit company here at home so that those company can pay their employee more money that way citizen can spend that money by buying more and the economy strengthens and more economical activities are happening.

-Third, I will also focus my time on the education department to work with my colleagues on a plan that will help new citizen and will answer question that they may have. For I will push to create an area in the forums that will specifically have the answer to everyone needs whenever someone need to find an important topic about the difficulties that may have then can just look it up without much difficulty.

-My final focus will also be in creating a more organized and active military. The way I will plan to have a more organized military is by bringing to light military ranks, showing more info as to who has the rank of what and knowing what solider are home and which one are at sea, that way we know how many solider we have available in case a war comes. The more soldiers we have active, the better defended country we have. Now it may sound impossible but it not really, all that is needed it cooperation. But the way I plan to do this is by working with congress to better thanks those that fight for our country security and the protection of the citizen of the eUSA. For the military deserves more then just a thanks and I plan on thanking them with something bigger but it will all depend on the resources that the government can give away. For we are tight on a budget that much we know, but since I will focus some of my time on the economic and treasury I will work through there to find ways to benefit the military as well. For I will fight to increase their funding and create an organization that will donate them items for their job well done in defending the eUS. This organization will be funded by public donations and government funding.

Now remembered when the elections come vote for Michel (Miche Llorens😉 as congressmen representing the state of Louisiana for it time to create a more progressive, organized and well educated eUSA.

USWP PP Candidates-

Tomorrow, when everyone gets on they will vote for their PP. Since I'm in the United States Workers Party I will list down the USWP PP Candidates. They are the following.

-Bmeyer 2448
-Kevin Charles
-Miche Llorens (that me lol)
-Wally Lean

Well I hope that you choose the next candidate that will help make the USWP a more stronger an active candidate. But I will say I hope you vote for me, if you don't then I hope you vote for Ananias I think him and I have the best intentions for the USWP and we are very active not like our oppnents who haven't said anything ever since they announce candidacy. What type of PP would that be? I say it would be a PP who would make the USWP a very unstable Party. So remembered that when you vote think of the USWP future. 🙂

Wise Quotes-

Fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breathe more; talk less, say more; hate less, love more; and all good things are yours.

~Swedish Proverb

Leadership Quotes-

I never had much faith in leaders. I am willing to be charged with almost anything, rather than to be charged with being a leader. I am suspicious of leaders, and especially of the intellectual variety. Give me the rank and file every day in the week. If you go to the city of Washington, and you examine the pages of the Congressional Directory, you will find that almost all of those corporation lawyers and cowardly politicians, members of Congress, and mis-representatives of the masses -- you will find that almost all of them claim, in glowing terms, that they have risen from the ranks to places of eminence and distinction. I am very glad I cannot make that claim for myself. I would be ashamed to admit that I had risen from the ranks. When I rise it will be with the ranks, and not from the ranks.

~Eugene V. Debs


Verse of the Day-

Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water."

John 4:10


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Mr. Michel Llorens
~Proud USWP Member
~Citizen of the eUSA
~Residence of the Great State of Florida (and future residence of Louisiana)
~Editor for Your Coffee Break