MI Spotlight - Kitmen

Day 1,660, 22:58 Published in USA USA by Heather Fuchs
Welcome to the newest issue of the Mobile infantry’s newest phenomenon; The MI spotlight!

Mobile Infantry Spotlight


Kitmen AKA Mittens, is a seasoned MI member but not old enough to be original. He is a part-time student who is looking for work and is obsessed with corn. Known for his catlike behavior he earned the name “Mittens” from Heather Fuchs towards the beginning of his career in the Mobile Infantry.

That’s the introduction, now let’s ask some questions!

Q: What role do you play in the Mobile Infantry?

A: I am the Chief Executive Officer of Bravo Company. In other words, I’m the number two for Bravo. Major Mittens, that’s me!

Q: Already a Major, what are your plans for the MI?

A: Plans, eh? Well, I’ll first take over all of MI, then change the name to “Mittens’ Insanity” or that is what I keep telling myself, anyways. But no, I don’t plan; I just take it as it comes. I didn’t ask for any of the promotions I’ve gotten, I just earn them, I suppose. That, or there is just nobody else who wants it, no idea.

Q: What is your favorite thing about Bravo Company and being in charge of it?

A: Obviously the troops! I try my very best to be both a leader and friend to everyone in Bravo, it makes us closer as a group and better on the field. I won’t hesitate to say Bravo is #1, and that’s from a guy who was born in Alpha.

Q: So you try to influence your soldiers, who do you think has influenced you the most?

A: Easy question. NecromanMMO for sure, he is the one that pulled me out of the dark and into the light. Back in Alpha he was my platoon commander, but I was just a two-clicker. Out of either sheer insanity or lack of choice I was picked to be his second in command. I had never been on IRC before, and never spoke to any other MI members. Once he chose me to help lead I stepped up, becoming forum and IRC active, doing things like roll call and such. After awhile he was promoted to head of Bravo, and shortly after picked me once again as his right hand. He is the reason I am where I am today.

Q: Sounds like you really like Necro. But better yet: What is your favorite kind of pie?

A: Pick just one kind? Umm… I’ll say apple. Yeah, apple sounds right.

That was Bravo Company’s Kitmen! Thanks for reading this newest issue! Dismissed!

In our last issue we left you wondering who the new mystery press officer is... Find out next time! In the mean time these are the current results

So far...
Most guessed is Sojirou with 38%
Second most is a tie between Kitmen and Tersesa of the Faint Smile with 19%
Third is Braden Tyrel Trambly with 13%
The remaining goes to a mix of other people!

The mystery press director will be revealed in the next issue!

If you haven’t guessed yet, you only have a little while longer, better hurry!

Guess who the mystery Press Director is here!

Thanks for reading! I hope to see you next time! Dismissed!

If your strength is at least 500 and your battlefield rank is Lieutenant or higher (or you can do at least 85 influence per fight barehanded) ...and if you like pie as much as we do, you too could be a member of the Mobile Infantry!!!

Not strong enough for the MI yet or have no experience with a military group?
Then join the eUS Training Corps!