Message to Spain

Day 1,187, 09:34 Published in Croatia Croatia by Laki8472

I must tell you guys what is on my mind,and idea has been made by looking at some articles in Spain that are full of gratitude for Greece for tanking against Brazil in NoB.

That was because Brazil tanks were hitting against Greece in Turkey,wich was not welcomed nicely in Greece and as result of that,there was apropriate contrareaction by Greece in NoB,where they clearly show to the world what will happen to anyone interfiering in internal afairs of Greece.

To continue,I saw that many Greeks and Croats still have warm and nostalgic memories and feelings toward Spain ant that they are reluctant to se you guys beeing used by others in NWO.
The reason why I did come to this conclusion are simple look to the map.

Let me ask you this,where will you go,only Portugal is in question,but EDEN and Panam has showned their opinion about you taking them,trough Brazil then?I dont think so!
Maby trough France then?In last half year you havent take more then tree reigns from them in 1 week,and lost them in a single day!Italy are protected by Poland,and USA is only posibiliti if Poland and Serbia attacked them in same time,but huge number of USA reigns,and RWs in youre sleeping time will mess with you every day.

It is clear to me,and others for that matter that all youre resorces will be spent to help others,and only to them and in the meen time you will site tightly and obey others.

Anyways,I hope that after this situation of yours has been more clear in the future you will see things more clearly and come to those who apriciate true friendship,we the Croats had large part of oure industry and army in Spain,and were very good friends.

I also seen Greek comments,wich are similar to oure own,and I see that they are also proud people,with high regards for honour,dignity and friendship,so I know that I'm on the right side.

You ask why do I care?I care for friends who are misslead by others,but dont make mistake.
I and every other Croat will spent every single gold against you while you beeing on the other side,we will do this to any other who attack someone in oure MPP list,this is war and we are fearest wariors in the game,and we want to be youre friend,that must count for something.

I salute to YOU my old Spanish friends,hope we will stand by each other once again in not so distant future!