Message to South Korea

Day 1,007, 14:53 Published in South Korea USA by Wladimir Rascian

I'm really tired.

This game became one of the most boring one I've been playing for all my life.

Can't say I'm an old player, but Korea should happen to me several months ago when I used to spend 5 hours just reading articles from all over the globe, when I could name you every single PTO group active during that period.
When I took a first major brake of the game, during my RL visit to Krakow Poland, just before Korea was invaded by Japan, I realised that there is nothing much for me left in this World. I wanted to quit.

Then I saw article of Arjay (didn't read much during those days which seemed final to me), and his devotion to righteousness touched me. I took some loan and came here to fight of Japs.
Someone may say that I am fool, but since then I fell in love with Korean flag, its not-so-numerous population, in its history and legacy. I fought till the last gold and participated in Kanto War Crime Tribunal, founded by William Choi, first guy whom I called friend in this game.

When we were defeated, I went to Canada, so that I could gather some money, pay off loans I took, and help Korea by donating everything I earned to its citizens.
Finaly, I payed back all mony I owed to others, and with happiness saw that Arjay was new president of South Korea. Well done Korea! Your sons are on their ways of recovery. I was sure he was the only guy (in those days I knew a little of Alfagrem, truly outstanding person) who could pull the nation from the mud left behind running Japs.

The time was to contact Arjay. I ofered my services to Korea, and he immediately showed me the right person in those days, Caley. She showed me how to communicate with foreign officials, since I was on my way on becoming first ambassador of South Korea to Serbia. Beside doing my regular job of informing Caley about what happened there, I started to gather information on potential PTO teams in Korea, and soon enough I spotted few groups which are still gathering around here every time elections happens. They will recognise themselves (one message for them, I've been tracking your every move, and I can name you all, together with your orgs and money transfers. Just try a little harted to put majority in Congress of this nation!).

When Caley left due to RL issues, I was appointed as MoFA.
What an honour! I was thrilled! I made plans how to spread influence of Korea, how to start connections with France, Serbia and USA, how to talk with Japs and Chinese.

All I can say is that in those days, a month ago, I did things the best I could. Now to make a conclusion...

These two months in Korea brought a new e-life into my existance. I started to care about this community. I watched this society growing in an unimagineable way, maturing faster than I could track!

There I saw the truth. The last spark on my torch which kept me in this truely dark place, fueled and inflamed by wind of changes which came here after Japs were driven away, is now burning away.

Little has been done during my second mandate as MoFA, and honestly, I'm not sure I would be able to perform at the level which this nation deserves.
Heck, I even wanted to become a Congressman, the office I hate the most in eRepublik, only to justify my absence from Government.

Every minute I spend as someone who is responsible for better future of South Korea I feel burden of a man who is doing nothing while he has instruments in his hands.

I'm calling Grease (sorry man, I tried, it did not work) to find a replacement for me as Minister of Foreign Affairs, if not immediately then by the end of mandate.

Sorry for barbaric english.

Wladimir Rascian

Message to ambassadors:
Your payments will continue to arrive regularly. For every action you take, blue envelope with 20KRW inside will be sent!

P.S. I'll stick around. Not that eager to die...yet! 🙂