Message from Cocoamok and Mitch Rapp

Day 675, 12:10 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Cocoamok

Yesterday evening 250 gold was transferred from OE_Volksgezondheid and 250 gold from Ministerie van Economische Zak to the state account. This money was transferred by us, the party presidents of Iron & Wine and Libertarian Social Democrats, to make it possible that congress could issue 100.000 NLG. With that amount of NLG we wanted to restore our monetary market. The restoration of the money market is needed badly because recently the NLG was so high that export companies are in severe problems. People are being laid off from their jobs and are going back to the trainings companies so action is required.

From the government there is no action for days to do something at the money market problem that started at September 20. We wanted to propose this ingame so that the congress members could decide if it was a good plan to issue the 100.000 NLG or not. If not, the gold could be transferred back to the accounts from where it came and we thought that no harm would have been done. However, OE_Volksgezondheid needed 225 gold to repay state bonds. We did not know that. Now this gold needs to come from a donation from DNB.

We were very worried about the monetary market because already 5 days nothing has been done at to solve this. We have send some requests to do something about it. We lost our patience and we did something we have the possibility to do, but did not have the right to do. We apologize for this action and hope the government and or congress will soon solve this issue. We have learned from this and are glad that no long-term damage has been done and want to assure you that we did all of this with the best of intentions.

Mitch Rapp & Cocoamok