Day 482, 14:57 Published in Canada USA by David Wayne Smith Esq

Well I have officially Found my First WTF moment. I have spent the past few days in the eWorld reading about a "proposed" take over of eCanada by the eUSA! Are my eEyes reading this properly? A friendly invasion? I did not think that ever in the eworld that a country would propose a friendly take over. A merger would be nothing but heartache and pain for eCanadians. Fighting constantly over people that we have no beef with. If Canadians wanted to be US citizens they would purchase a moving ticket and make it so. Sure there would it would be a great power, not to toot our own horn but we are a pretty fantastic bunch of ePeople, who wouldnt want us to join them! At any rate it made me say WTF and that means it warrants a shout out in this Paper!


Thanks for Reading

David Wayne Smith Esq.


I would like to announce that I am throwing my hat in the ring for Congress in *NOVA SCOTIA* (i plan on moving back once i can afford the moving ticket) for the Social Democrats. So dont forget to vote (for me or against me, as long as you vote!) in 8days or so....depending on when you read this they may have already passed and then who would look foolish?