Mega Group - The legal solution

Day 79, 00:00 Published in Romania Romania by Adrian Popovici

Yesterday we have just been allowed to do this... please read It is a communicate from the erepublik admins. The thing is that i have desired for a long time to share that which i have with my fellow employees, specially since some of them helped me actually build this company. I am right now reffering to Mega Gifts as Mega Health is a different story and i am sure it shall be talked of in newspapers these days, as it is the new HOT subject... So the thing is that i have created Mega Group, which shall actually hold from now on all the Mega companies. It is a new user that has control over the companies. The new permissions given by the administrators have allowed me to renounce the company entirely and to somewhat put it for common use. I am tired now, but shall try to be as clear as possible. All my employees shall benefit from now on of a share in the company. This shall allow me to fully share the benefits (or loses) of the companies production as everybody's salary shall be calculated as a share of the companies profit for the last week. The sharing shall start on Sunday, when all the shares in the company shall be announced together with the financial results for the last week. We also welcome other investors in the happy Mega Group family, in the form of capital investments or other companies willing to help each other in the capitalist process. I would like to personally extend an invitation to Ostara with Transilvanian Foods, Gabrielle with GaMa Housing, tzake with Public Healthcare Inc, and Postal with Umbrella Corporation. This would still let room for a joint venture in the Travel Industry which is in bad need of competition. Just to be perfectly cleat, tzake's Public Healthcare Inc is not going to be profitable any time soon, as it's close interests are towards delivering the first hospital to Cluj as soon as humanly possible no matter the costs. Apart from all this, please expect a full share explanation of Mega Gifts capital as late as Sunday.