Meeting allies in Pacifica: Sweden

Day 4,780, 05:58 Published in Ireland Ireland by Fenoglioteam

I haven't written anything since ages ago, but well, since Ireland has just joined Pacifica and our presidente MUFC asked for an overview about our new alliance mates, why not?

Sweden in real life

When I search in Google searching for some interesting facts about Sweden to share, the first two thing I find are complains about the rent and the following photo

However, there´s much more to say about our ally. Located in the eastern part of the Scandinavian peninsula, Sweden has been a key player in the History of Europe.

Who doesn't remember vikings and their deeds, how the Byzantine emperor was protected by the Varangian Guard or how some Swedish vikings founded the Kingdom of Rus, origin of our fellow member of Pacifica Russia?

Centuries later, during the XVII century, Sweden became one of the mightiest empires in Europe, turning into the leader of protestantism during the 30 years war despite starting as a poor and sparsely populated country.

However, nowadays it seems that this warrior past has been left behind and Sweden is mainly known due to their high score in the Human Development Index, the 8th in the world. Impressive, isn't it?

Sweden in eR

Now we know some history, let´s see how´s Sweden doing in eRepublik. Currently the 39th country in the e-world, it has 221 active citizens and 6 regions (Gotaland, Molise, Gotland, Norrland and Sameland, Scania and Svealand).

They are currently fighting training wars with Lithuania, Finland, Latvia, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Netherlands, Romania, Macedonia and Italy.

Their cabinet for December looks like this:

Click here to go there ingame and don´t forget to send them a friendship request 😉

And they have the following production bonuses:

Interview with Super G, Swedish president

1. First of all, what's the current situation of Sweden? (TWs, previous wars, anything about internal politics you find interesting)

Well, our TWs aren't any secret just look at the list. We normally have about 9 stable TWs ongoing mainly used for farming. The internal politics isn't like it was in the early days of the game where different parties actually had different opinions, now we are a very united county regardless of what party you're in.

2. So, what do you think is Sweden's biggest strength? And weakness?

I can't really talk about our strength/weakness in a military sense but what I can say is that one of our biggest strength is the community we have with people working hard for our country.

3. What´s your opinion about Ireland joining Pacifica? And about the alliance as a whole?

I'm positive in you joining us, can be a fun way to stir some things up and already now in the beginning we've had a lot more activity than we usually have. To be totally honest about Pacifica as an alliance there isn't much activity left more then some small talk on our discord/telegram-group. When I became CP just over a year ago I gave it a try to see if there was any willingness to get the alliance more active again but with the exception of a very few there was not any interest in that.

4. What do you think it should be the goal both for Sweden and for Pacifica?

With my answer on the last question in mind, i don't know how much of a point it would be to set a goal for Pacifica. As for Sweden, my main goal is to try and keep up the activity in our country, help new players when we get them and squeeze as much fun left in this game as possible

5. Anything you would like to say to Irish community?

Yes! Welcome to the ship even tho it might lay on the bottom of the sea (as people told me on the question about getting it more active). Thank you for s:t Patricks Day and have a lovely holiday!

If you have read until here, have some nice Swedish music as your reward!

Thanks all for your time and I hope you enjoyed the article.