Meet a eBeggar today

Day 586, 17:54 Published in Australia Japan by undergeneral

Got asked by a Professional eBeggar, Vulva Johnson, for money on his strange quest to survive without working. Asked him some question and this is what I got.

Q. Why did you decide to do this strange thing in the first place?

A. Well, I am hopelessly addicted to crack and meth which requires a lot of cash daily to meet my needs. I will do anything for a $5 rock of sweet, sweet crack...seriously, ANYTHING. So far, I have voted for cash, moved to Canada for various donations and subscribed to eZines for wellness.

Q. How much food and money are currently in you possession at this time?

A. Most of my money goes on glorious crack and I'm about half stocked with Q1 food. I have cash in all currencies but mostly not over about $3 in each as people tend to clean up their profile pages by sending me the leftover cents in their foreign accounts. I have had a lot of donations for 1c..Cheap bastards!

Q. How long do you plan on doing this? Will it be permanent thing or will this be for a set time (sort of like an eSupersize Me)?

A.I plan to do this 'till I am either dead or powerful enough to control the world and overthrow the Illuminati lizard people who secretly run the world with their "thought control" technology which was given to them by space aliens.

Q. Do you expect to survive this ordeal?

A. In some form, but I believe "survive" is a very subjective term...

Q. You say you want to add realism but with the way the world is realism what we want in this little escape?

A. Well, if your idea of escape is to go to a world where everybody is aspiring to be a militant political tyrant then that's what eRepublik is the place for you. There were another group of people who wanted to build a world like that too, they were called the Nazis....
My hope is to inject a little humanity into this eExperience.

Q. Could you keep a list on how much each person (if anyone gives you anything) gives?

A. I've thought about that and started one to list my biggest contributors, but I think the idea is that if people give, it should be an anonymous gesture and that's the basis of the whole concept of altruism. Giving should be an act of the heart and not of the ego.
So remember, pleasegivetovulvajohnson