MediA - The Issue

Day 182, 14:46 Published in Japan Pakistan by WaseemK

In the words of a Social Critic and a journalist, it is imperative to have a properly functioning media in our Society. “To keep leaders honest and to arm the powerless with the information they need to protect themselves”.

The developmental media should call for the Government to work in a partnership, to ensure that the media assists in the planned beneficial development of the country. Obviously, in such partnership some kind of government regulations will have to be put strictly in place and the important role of criticism in the media will thus decrease.

The advantage of such an arrangement is that the media can help support government development efforts, assist in economic development and aid society at large. In this sense, the media has to play a vital role in Japan’s future existence, survival and economic-political progress. Notwithstanding the rhetoric, is this sort of media possible? Realistically speaking, it is a major challenge-considering the diversity..

And yet we have hope-optimism that a socially, culturally, and politically responsible media might conduct itself with dignity, resourcefulness and accountability to take a course towards its own evolution and hence take a leap in the direction of revolutionizing Japan.

Will it? Frankly, I do not have an honest definite answer for you. But we have lived in Murky waters much too long.

Long Live JAPAN!

King Waseem
Minister of Immigration/Health Minister/ Foreign Relations
Party President National Party of Japan (NPJ)
_______________________Relevant NewS_____________________

Our government has officially purchased 300 Q1 gifts to bolster our economy. Please buy and give these gifts to hard working employees..

I will be unavailable from the 24-26th of may... (this month)
So I wil have delayed replies to PM's.