Media Mogul for eBiH

Day 695, 03:42 Published in Croatia Bosnia and Herzegovina by bekitare
Good day Croatia.

I would like to introduce you to the Bosnian Media Mogul project.

Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a member of EDEN, has the least Media Moguls, and we would like to increase that number, so our voice can be heard more loudly.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a decided to join EDEN in a very difficult moment, but has not changed its mind because EDEN is helping eBiH in a lot of ways.

By subscribing on my newspapers, and the newspapers I suggest you to subscribe on, you would be helping eBiH once again.

List of newspaper:

Bekitare - X Generacija
Toroman - Donald Duck eNews
Janko Maric JR - L'unita
Les Paul -Revolutionary Voice
Friend Freeman - Ljudi Dobre Volje
Mancini Horvat - Glas Malog Covjeka
Bosna_United - Za demokratsku eBiH
Mobster1930 - BiH Today
Riki_Bosna - Riki_Bosna-News
Hruschov - Male novine

Hail EDEN!
Hail Croatia!

Bekitare, e😜resident of eBiH (the one that brought eBiH to EDEN)