Media Flood

Day 1,040, 06:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Avlana Kiarunto
Article #54

I am annoyed. I wouldn’t say I’m angry, because that would be over the top. But I am irritated.

Many will probably call me a hypocrite for slagging off a party which until very recently I was allied to, but this article isn’t written intending to backstab that party. Unlike others in my party I am not militantly against the TUP, I am not trying to provoke the TUP or bring them down with lies and slander, but this must be said.

I will keep this article as short as possible otherwise people won’t read it and I won’t get my point across (scroll down for tl:dr version/conclusion).

It seems though, that every time I look at the Top 5 articles in the eUK there is always something about the TUP (by the TUP) about how great they are. I am not saying that they should not write these articles, it is perfectly within the rights of a party to express their policies and advertise themselves. What I do mind is when the media is flooded by articles from this same party. What really annoys me though; it’s that half of these articles express why ‘you should join the TUP’, are then org voted into the Top 5 (well over 100 votes usually) and stop other articles getting there.

Many of you may start saying that before recently, The Unity Post had not written many articles in a while. Others may say that other parties simply do not take advantage of the ability to advertise, that it is only due to their large membership/sunscription, and that it is just that the TUP is more organised. This may be so, but very recently there have been several of these articles telling you why you must join the TUP. 11 Days Ago, 7 Days Ago, 6 Days Ago, 1 Day Ago, all propaganda about why you should join the TUP, and all rushed up to around 100 votes (and more) so as to get into the Top 5 and catch the eyes of all those young players who need converting. There are currently two articles from The Unity Post in the Top 5. One reads out all the congress candidates for the TUP (fair enough), the other was written just before and warns that there is going to be a congress election (and more propaganda). Both of these articles are then boosted into the Top 5 and are flooded with comments shouting out ‘Unity In Strength’, and variants of the same.
But it is not only newspapers. Pages are constantly flooded with the many variants of the TUP message in the form of advertisements (not so much now with the congress elections today, but still..). It isn’t even just outsiders and rivals of the TUP who claim this, but members themselves.

This article isn’t set out to tell you not to join the TUP. I’m not going to tell you not to join any party, or to join a particular party. But, if you are a new player and are just getting started out, don’t jump at whatever is big in the media. Look at the top parties, come on the forums, research the parties and their policies on the Wiki before you join a party. Maybe the TUP is the party for you, maybe it isn’t. But check out the choices before you choose.

So to wrap up, this is what I'm trying to say.
• The media is flooded and choked with TUP propaganda (Constant and org voted articles)
• Advertising is flooded and choked with TUP propaganda
• Other parties unable to broadcast their articles (this only has 11 votes since yesterday)
• Look up all possible parties first before making a choice

Here are the newspapers for the 4 main parties:

I think I failed when it came to making a short article…
