Me, Now (with some useful tips for newcomers)

Day 1,741, 07:23 Published in United Kingdom Poland by wigibob

This article (if you haven't already guessed) is about me, I am fairly new to the game (couple of months old)and I have just leveled up to level 25 (Division 2) and I thought what better way to celebrate than to write a article about what to do when you are a new player so.......your probably getting bored of this idiot going on and on so I'll give you some useful tips to keep you reading every so often

Tip 1:don't forget to work and train everyday and get a job from the job market (under the market tab) which earns you as much as you can get and once you've worked and trained get the reward from the main screen (click on the house in the top right corner then click on get reward)

so what I am writing this article for is to tell you what I a bit about this game, there are good things(British bulldogs and john bull party) and bad (getting wiped by france) but I think the best thing to do is just take it as it comes to you

Tip 2:NEVER spend gold on health packs when it says you have reached your food limit, I know not to do this because I did it, you waste 0.5 gold for 10 health I know it might not seem like a lot but trust me it soon disappears, there are much better things to buy if you know what to do with gold

as I have learned this is a very competative game there are lots of people who spend real money on this game but don't let that get you down, this is a great game

Tip 3 (the main message of this article): Its a game, enjoy playing it

if you don't enjoy playing it , it is pointless so get out there and enjoy it soldier

Tip 4:if you are struggeling to find a good MU (military unit)
or a good political party I recommend The British bulldogs(MU) and John bull(political party)

well thats it thanks for reading if you liked it please vote and subscribe so more people can see my articles (even though I don't normally publish things like this I publish joke of the week tommorow (Monday) and random fact of the week on Wednesday

Once again thanks for reading
