Me as candidate for Congress [Republish]

Day 1,160, 14:14 Published in Belgium Belgium by Misanthropist

National news

Future Member of Congress

Dear citizens,

As journalist I’ve observed carefully all political actions in Belgium. As some of you know, mistakes and errors in the government were criticized in my articles. The current politicians did not always agree with my point of view. Nevertheless, I forced them to reconsider their actions. I forced them to be critical. I forced them to act responsible, also towards the people.

Since I’ve been watching from the sideline, I’ve gathered a lot of knowledge how politics work and which decisions we must take in order to strengthen our nation. Now it’s my turn to enter the arena. I’ve resolved to hear the people’s voice and I’ll talk back to them. Because you are the soul of this little but powerful body, I call Belgium. I will communicate with you as much as I can, so you all can follow our political course. Suggestions, questions and critics will be welcome my entire mandate.

I’ll point one of my crosshairs on the abuse of power. I’ve always strived for a democratic Belgium and I’m planning to keep it that way. That will be my main objective. Another cancer in this political landscape are the “treasure hunters”. These profiteers quit their job once they are elected as Member of Congress, only to get the Medal of Congress and a treasure map. These people should be considered as criminals and therefore be punished.

I will be representing Flanders in the “Belgium for Belgians” party.
Citizens of Belgium, vote wisely. Because your vote is essential for the future of us all.
Fellow candidates, I wish you all the luck. Hopefully we’ll meet in Congress.

For those about to vote, I salute you!

Yours truly, Misanthropist

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