Me? Arbryn for President n stuff !

Day 653, 19:21 Published in Singapore USA by Arbryn

Hello Singapore,

As many of you know I am now a presidential candidate for the Sept 5th Elections.

Having served 2 Presidential terms in eSingapore, almost 7 months with eSingapore government & Military and operate 5 private companies in eSingapore. I am familiar with our systems, economy, infrastructure & citizens and know some things that need to be done to help improve our nation.

However I wish to write this article to inform newer and older players alike what some of my goals for this next term will be specifically as I have been more behind the scenes in recent months and everyone may not be familiar with me.

eSingapore at this point is a pretty well balanced small-mid size nation. We have a fair number of skilled citizens, more so then any point in our history. Our people are one of our resources and I am interested in getting more of them involved in our policies and systems to help form a stronger bond of nationalism with a larger audience of our players. We no longer need to be that small dot on the map run by a half dozen individuals.

Now is a good time to set up a balanced government for future presidents & Congress to follow instead of having to re-piece together every month a new system of which Congress & citizens don't understand. This has only been creating confusion and slow policy procedure for us. And also presenting security risks that have endangered some of our national assets at times.

I hope to implement some programs and systems that are not in place yet and hope to integrate those that are in place all into the same system. Doing so can help us grow more efficiently in the future and give us less downtime every time we change presidents as it will be an easier transition since everyone will already understand the basics.

Right now our forum needs work as it is fairly new since we had to recently rebuild it. Much of our old info was lost and we had to start from scratch. But I hope to get the Congress & Military much more involved on the new forums as we were in the past and in doing so should bring more activity to regular citizens as well.

The tax system can use a few minor tweaks but nothing to drastic. Our economy has improved in recent months and just a few minor changes to reflect that so we aren't taken advantage of from importers is all that is needed.

Our military needs some work as well, we need more citizens involved and enlisted so we are prepared at all times to defend ourselves in an organized manner. I plan to make the military more prepared and to get more people involved. Even if just in a reserve measure, we could use the enrollment of all active citizens so if the time comes we have organized options and don't have to play the guessing game. Being in the military not only helps the nation but also can help newer & even experienced players learn more aspects of the game they may otherwise not be aware of.

We are also becoming quite a nice place for immigrants to move to. In this regard I plan to continue this and help advertise & promote Singapore as a friendly place to live, work & play. Its simple fact the more people we have here the larger our economy becomes and thus tax base can become. More taxes open up more avenues for the government & military and simply improve the quality of life of all our citizens.

I also plan to implement stronger security measures regarding national assets. As been shown in a previous administration we may not always be able to trust even elected presidents and as such we are better safe then sorry. One of the new government positions will be Minister of Security, who's job it will be to monitor & manage security and risk measures of the government. This is including but not limited to forming contracts with those who are to handle government Orgs & assets.

I also will be working with the offices that Woshie has helped to establish recently and seeing how they are progressing.

Well, there is plenty more I plan to do I am sure, but off the top of my head I can't think of any at the moment. It has been a rather long day and I am bad at writing these articles. However everyone is free to message me with any concerns or ideas. I am all ears.

I am already working on forming my cabinet so that we can get strait to business once I am elected and not waste any time. I will however announce my Vice Prime Minister now as ExoM7, previous eSingapore president. Who will be helping me determine the rest of the cabinet.

I thank you all for your support as always, We are definitely stronger working together and I cannot do anything without the help of you all and your support.

Cheers to a hopeful month and lets get a lot of great things done this term !

PS - Someone asked if this was a proposal or acceptance speech.
Good question, Based on the following page. > Candidates < the answer is that it is pretty much both.

Majulah Singapura!
