McFartalot seeking re-election - Vote For Change You Can Believe In

Day 703, 02:47 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Hugo McFartalot

Hello fellow Brusselians,

Most of you may know me as the 3 term representative for Brussels in our nations Congress. Some of you may not know me so well, so please take this opportunity before you cast your vote on 25th October, to read this article as I strongly believe that the Green Liberal Democrats and I represent the very best choice at these elections.

First, I am a strong proponent of the Brussels 'interest' in the eUNL Congress. By this I mean to maximise the infrastructure of this city-region so we become a leading metropolis in Western eEurope - thus I will continue to lobby for a Q5 Defence System to be allocated to Brussels. The recently instigation of an RW in Flanders, and the call by the Ministerie van Defensie to citizens to relocate to Brussels in the first instance (to use our Q5 Hospital), in proof enough of the strategic importance of the city-region to our national defence. The RW will be defeated but Flanders will remain a vulnerable area to future insurgent attack - we in Brussels are on the frontline.

Secondly, I have been a very active citizen and Congress member since I settled in eUNL many many months ago (5 hard worker medals in a row). For me (and I'm sure you feel the same) eUNL is the best country in the eWorld and we should all be proud how our collective efforts, with a respect for individual liberty, have propelled this country forward into a very advanced, cosmopolitan and unified society. I can promise you that I will maintain the same high levels of enthusiasm and participation over the next month should you support me at the next election as I seek re-election.

Third, by supporting a GLD candidate in Brussels on 25th October, you are endorsing the continuing good work of a friendly and progressive team of Congressman and party officers, who look out for the 'little man' in society by giving him a voice in Congress and providing effective opposition against government, where appropriate.

So I ask Brusselians to fight for your brothers and sisters in Flanders (fight GREEN) and expel the insurgents. Then I ask you to consider using your 'democratic power' to return me to Congress for another term as GLD representative.

Many thanks,

Hugo McFartalot